4 Ways That You Can Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Today as I’m intentionally planning out moving and setting up our life for fall, I wanted to share some ways we’re being more intentional about going green. 

In fact, you may have noticed more posts and reviews of cleaner products that we’re using now that we weren’t in the past such as with Tru Earth

Collectively, we are more aware than ever before of our impact on the environment. People are increasingly seeking ways to lessen their carbon footprint. 

Going green, however, does not necessitate a complete lifestyle shift overnight. We’re making some changes, and small changes matter. If you are considering making lifestyle changes like we are, there are a variety of changes you may do to help lessen your total environmental effect. 

Below are some ideas.

#1 Start by making changes at home.

Are you guilty of leaving your cell phone charger plugged in and your TV on standby? If you are, don’t worry – you are far from being the only one. However, it is one of the biggest wastes of energy, as it still uses electricity even if something is not in use. 

Get into the habit of turning everything off and unplugging everything when not in use. This is a challenge for us but we are doing better. Doing this will not only help the environment but save money on your bills too.

You could also look at ways of using renewable energy in your home rather than rely on electricity from the main power grid. 

Take for example, solar power. Solar power is becoming increasingly popular – after the initial investment, they cost nothing to run and can generate enough energy to sustain the average home. 

There are many reasons to choose solar – saving the planet is the main one!

#2 Look at your diet and food consumption.

Meat consumption reduction is a simple approach to begin reducing your carbon footprint. While you do not have to completely give up meat, you can start by joining the Meatless Monday campaign and adding in more fresh ingredients. On Meatless Mondays, we usually have rice bowls and they are so yummy.

Other simple food-related strategies to benefit the environment include:

Purchasing organic and locally farmed food in which I just posted about on NewsBreak, as June was National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month. 

Additionally, food waste can be reduced by planning meals ahead of time and storing leftovers for later use. I plan our meals out four days at a time and shop accordingly. When I fail to do this, we end up shopping unnecessarily and wasting food sometimes. I’m not proud of this, but we are working on it more. 

Lastly, you can consider composting your food scraps at home. 

#3 Look at your consumer habits.

As a blogger/content creator, this can be challenging, but I am working on this often. But, changing your consumption patterns can make a big difference. 

To begin, purchase fewer items. Look for old or recycled materials for the things you do need – this is also a fantastic method to save money. 

Other ideas include shopping at consignment or second-hand stores for clothing. Avoid things that come in a lot of packaging and support businesses that have a green agenda. 

Also, try and remember to bring reusable bags with you when you go shopping rather than use plastic carrier bags.

#4 Think about your methods of transport and getting around.

If you have the option, drive less. Increase your walking or biking time. Last summer, we all got bikes. Yes, we wanted them for leisure activities, but also exercise and to make short distance trips so we wouldn’t have to use our vehicles.

An alternative is to consider carpooling if you do need to drive. In fact, my friend and I are heading out to have a ladies day shortly, and instead of meeting like we typically do, we are carpooling. 

Other considerations include taking good care of your vehicle and maintaining it on a regular basis. As an example, did you know that properly inflated tires can increase fuel efficiency by around 3%. 

Finally, if you can, avoid unnecessary driving, use apps to avoid traffic, and watch your braking and acceleration. These minor details can add up to improved efficiency, lower maintenance, and running costs and reduce the impact your traveling has on the environment.

Final Thoughts

To get started going green(er), start with one or two of the lesser modifications on this list if some of the larger ones seem overwhelming. Gradually incorporate more changes into your daily routine to discover how much of a difference you can create. You may soon discover that living an environmentally responsible lifestyle is as simple as it gets.


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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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