“Work on yourself more than you work on your job.” – Jim Rhon
The final month of the year begins in less than 48 hours. Knowing this, now is the time to pull through and tidy up any loose ends from the year, but also prepare yourself for the beginning of a new year. With this in mind, I have decided to commit to a one-month glow-up called the December Glow-Up.
If you haven’t seen the glow-up challenges on Pinterest on Instagram, have no worries. I have you covered on what you should know.
According to the Collins Dictionary, a glow-up is the process of becoming more mature, more confident, and more attractive. An even more specific definition comes from the Urban Dictionary. It states that a glow-up “is a mental, physical, and emotional transformation for the better”. It further explains that glow-ups can occur naturally or be intentionally planned out.
“If you change, everything around you will change.” – Unknown

Furthermore, the process can be gradual and permanent, or fast and temporary. In this instance, however, this will be an intentional and month-long process for my overall well-being. I simply want some downtime from the distractions of the world to focus on some intentional self-care and development.
If you spend just one hour a day investing in upgrading your knowledge, skills, and mindset – a year from now you’ll have put in 365 hours, equal to almost (9) 40 hour work weeks. It all adds up! – Unknown
Doing this will allow me to accomplish this. Not only this, but it’s a great time as the year is ending and a new year is starting. I can walk into a new year, refreshed and feeling great. And, you can, too! It’s also important to note that you don’t have to be a specific age to do this. You can do this at any time you choose.
Below I have created four areas to focus on during this month with tasks associated with each category. While this is my list, your could be totally different.
Below I have made two free downloads. One download is for this list. The other download is a printable calendar of what your month could look like. You can create your own with Editable Calendar.
Free Downloads!!!
Mental Wellness
- Disconnect from social media during the month
- Request Vacation Time
- Complete 90 Minute Free Mindvalley Masterclass
- Read Richest Man in Babylon – Get my PDF notes here from the video.
- Write Daily in Gratitude Journal

Improve Physical Health & Appearance
- Weekly Teeth Whitening
- Weekly Facial Mask
- Exercise 3X Week – Use the Reshape Me App
- Take Vitamins.
- Focus on Clean Eating and Limit Junk Food
- Weekly Hair Growth Oil
- Holiday Pedicure & Manicure
- Eyebrows Threaded
- Drink Water and Use This Formula (Weight Divided By 2 Plus 32 Ounces).
DIY Water Drinking Station
You can also make it fun and festive by creating a daily drinking station in your office, bedroom, or kitchen.
Here’s how.
Take a tray and put a variety of containers on it that equal the amount of water you should drink. On average I need to be drinking about four quarts, therefore I could use a variety of beautiful containers that would equal four quarts.
I could add fresh fruit to one, lemon juice to one, tea bags with no sweetener to one, and leave one plain. Throughout the day, I know that I need to drink what’s at my drinking station for the day. Each day refill. Is this extra work? Yes. But, is it worth it? Yes.
If you don’t want to get fancy, simply get a large drink dispenser that covers your daily amount of water needed or your bottle. Easy. Peasy.

My Environment
- Organize and Purge Clothes (creating a beautiful wardrobe and functional New Year closet)
Emotional Wellness
- Send Holiday Cards
- One Therapy Session

Financial Maintenance
- Write out Christmas List and Budget
- Create a 2022 Budget including Savings and Investing
- Mindful Holiday Spending
Final Thoughts
If you want to get even more detailed, you can create a goal or theme for each category. But, if you want to do that, I would highly recommend taking the free Lifebook Masterclass. It covers 12 categories of life and helps you to create your ultimate life, category by category for the ultimate glow-up.
Will you be trying this with me? If so, I’d love to know in the comments.
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