Essential Travel Safety

Safety is the one thing regarding travel that people don’t really talk much about, unless you’re reading travel tips online. For example, people like to tell you about their experiences while trekking to see Machu Picchu or about what they did in Barcelona or Johannesburg.

But what they probably won’t tell you about are the times that they found themselves in sticky situations, usually because they hold themselves at least in some part responsible for having found themselves in the awkward or dangerous situation to begin with. Trust me. I know.

Another thing that people also don’t talk about is car accidents. Again, this is usually because they find the topic to be a source of embarrassment – if you have been in a situation like this, you may wish to find an injury attorney near me. Otherwise, let’s continue with essential travel safety.

Research the Area

A common theme among people who love to travel is a lack of research – many people bitten by the travel bug prefer instead to let the destination reveal itself over many hours or days spent wandering the streets and speaking to the people. While allowing time in your itinerary for a certain amount of spontaneity is great, a basic grasp over which areas of town are probably not safe for tourists is something to which all travelers should pay attention.

For example, you need only to think of your own hometown when it comes to understanding the importance of researching a destination before your visit. Your hometown (or city) might have nice areas. It might also have some not so nice areas.

With this is mind, you would no doubt have opinions to share over where to visit and where to avoid – the same can be said of destinations all over the world.

Don’t Draw Attention to Yourself

Dressing like a tourist ends up being easy because often times you have packed ahead with particular pieces and outfits in mind. But, here’s the thing you want to consider. You don’t want to draw attention to yourself, so you may want to check out what locals wear so that you blend in more with the crowd instead of not (see how to travel in comfort).

Withdraw Cash From a Bank

This is a tip that makes more and more sense the more you think about it. Put yourself in the mindset of a thief or a pickpocket. Now imagine that you are about to set out for hard-day’s thieving. You would probably go to crowded areas full of tourists withdrawing cash from cash machines or ATMs.

So to keep yourself safe, go to the bank prior to your trip, so that you are not having to put yourself in a dangerous situation such as this.

Final Thoughts

After travelling across the United States with two little boys, I know a thing or two about essential travel safety. These are just three important tips to share in today’s post. To learn more browse Travel Tips on the blog.


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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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