Fix Those Pesky Fashion Mistakes

Ah fashion, a charming world of attractive style and horrendous mistakes. No one is ever truly “flawless”, and even the most fashionable people have committed awful fashion mistakes with terrible hair, makeup blunders, and/or poor clothing choices.

Trust me. I know.

Even with a background in the fashion and beauty industry, I still screw up all the time. It’s easy to point and laugh, but you should, in fact, make the most of the public lessons that others, especially celebrities share with us.

Below are questions and suggestions to consider as you build and commit to your individual fashion style. I’m actually considering all of these as I am in the middle of planning for an entire week vacation away.

What happened to your hair, girl?

For women, hair is one of the most important beauty assets, especially if you choose to wear it loose. Consequently, before you even consider styling it, you need to look after your hair and maintain its health.

Healthy hair is beautiful, regardless of how you choose to wear it. And, that means limiting heat damage by reducing the use of heated tools – which can cause dry hair, a dry scalp, and even dandruff.

Dandruff is definitely one of those unpleasant “hair things”, but can be easily treated with appropriate hair supplements and moisturizing. You can even find plenty of natural remedies with baking powder, tea tree oil, and apple cider vinegar by simply searching on Pinterest.

Extensively using chemicals, such as bleach, can be just as harmful as using heat on your hair. Trust me. Again, I know. Thankfully, though you can also find plenty of hair care ideas on to grow your hair back to being strong and healthy.

Ultimately, the answer to a bad hair day is not more styling products, but simply better hair care.

Did you know your makeup routine could age you dramatically?

That’s right! It can.

Sometimes, a dramatic lipstick can completely transform your outfit from dull to glam. On the other hand, however, sometimes the wrong kind of makeup can alter your natural beauty.

Gratefully, though, this article has you covered with tips to avoid those mistakes that tend to age you.

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For example, did you know that skipping foundation can make your skin look dull in places and shiny in others – making your face look aged? That’s right. So, if you choose to go natural, you may want to choose a foundation product to even out the tone of your skin.

Similarly, if you choose to cover up the fine lines around your eyes; be mindful with the concealer that you choose because if you apply too much, and it dries and cracks – you just highlighted exactly what you’re trying to hide. And, who wants that? Definitely not me!

Quality and Care of Clothing

For goodness sakes! Isn’t this a common question that we all tend to ask a friend or our partner?

The answer is that – if you don’t dress for your shape, it will make you look bigger, especially if you choose to conceal your curves with clothes that are too large for your figure. This was actually one of my fashion faux pas for quite a while. So, it’s good practice to pick fewer pieces of clothing that are of better quality and cared for properly. Purchase cool t-shirts that are made of natural fabrics as they are more durable compared with ones that are synthetic.

Check out these great tips from Wardrobe Hackers on how to clean your delicate cashmere clothing items!

In Summary

In summary, avoid awful fashion mistakes with terrible hair, makeup blunders, and/or poor clothing choices by making the most of your natural beauty through self-care and respecting your natural shape. Keeping your youthful and attractive appearance can be achieved at any age and doesn’t need any surgical involvement.

Cheers to self-care and healthy body maintenance!

This is a collaborative post. 7.15.19


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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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