A few weeks back, I wrote a post called Five Easy Ways for Busy Moms to Help Causes They Care About; and after thinking much about the post, I was reminded of the “Give Back” mission behind the Prana Brush.
Prana Brush not only makes great ionic dry brushes, but they do their part to make the world a better place by donating 15% of their profits to “several non-profit organizations that work to supply nutritious food to families in developing countries”.
What easier way for a busy mom to help a cause they care about than by practicing self-care with a Prana Brush knowing that a percentage of the profits are supporting a worthy cause?
I’m sure by now, you are wondering what is the Prana Brush?

What is Prana Brush?
If you visit the website, you will learn that Prana Brush is the “original maker and seller of the highest quality ionic body brushes”. They were founded in 2016 with a goal of raising awareness of the importance of self-care through dry brushing. Since 2016, the company has handcrafted and delivered thousands of Prana Brushesto happy customers around the world – including me.

Why I Use Prana Brush
For me, using the Prana Brush is an act of self-care. I’m big on self-care practices because I know first hand that by practicing self-care and gratitude you will raise your vibrations and live a more harmonious lifestyle.
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This is just one of the many benefits of using a Prana Brush. Using an ionic dry brush can dramatically increase your energy levels because it “stimulates and “unclogs” your lymphatic system, which helps increase your energy levels”.

Prior to using dry brushing for raising my vibrations, I would dry brush my thighs to help get rid of the unwanted cellulite. Using an ionic dry brush is a great way to naturally exfoliate your skin and also help reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Along with dry brushing my thighs, I have increased my water intake and also been walking three miles at least four days per week. All of which has greatly reduced the appearance of cellulite on my thighs in just a few short months. I am now very comfortable wearing shorts and above the knee dresses.

How to Dry Brush
Dry brushes can take some time to get used to because you are actually brushing your skin with a firm bristle brush. To dry brush, brush your skin gently, going over each area a few times. Dry brushing is typically done before showering. It’s important to note that Prana Brushes are designed to be used without water, soap, or oil.

Additional Benefits
While I only listed a few personal reasons and benefits of dry brushing, there are so many more. For example, dry brushing is great for detoxifying the body, improving circulation, eliminating dead skin cells, and exfoliating the skin. In addition to these great benefits, regularly using the Prana Brush improves skin tone and aids digestion, all while increasing your overall energy and well-being.

Final Thoughts
Aside from the health benefits of using the Prana Brush, this dry brush is very well made and attractive looking. I love the mix of the copper bristles. From personal experience, I have not seen a dry brush with copper bristles. Most often, the dry brushes that I have either seen or purchased in the past had bristles of one color or of a lesser quality bristle material.
What I learned about the copper bristles was that when you brush your skin with an ionic body brush, you create a natural friction between the ion-charged copper bristles and your skin which is what helps produce the benefits.
Overall, I am happy to share this blog post because I’m very satisfied with the quality, its packaging, and the “Give Back” mission behind the Prana Brush.
This post is in partnership with Prana Brush.