How To Create And Maintain A Successful Travel Blog

Flying Florida Just Brennon Blog

In this day and age, we have the opportunity to do pretty much whatever we want, including creating our own travel blog. Years ago, those opportunities, while still there, were a lot more difficult to reach due to lack of understanding and lack of networking. 

Because we’re able to do an awful lot and find things out much quicker, we can get what we want so much faster. If you want to save up and head around to different parts of the world, then you have a much better chance of success thanks to modern technology. 

If you then, say, wanted to document it, show it off, and potentially make a little money out of it, then you have that freedom afforded to you, as well. 

Road Tripping Off The Beaten Path

We’re, of course, talking about creating a travel blog, and how it can be created and capitalized on so very simply nowadays thanks to all that we have at our disposal. It’s initially a bit of a strange thought, and most people still can’t quite get to grips with the fact that some people can make a good living from blogging, but it’s absolutely possible. 

If you’re quite the keen traveler and know a thing or two about it, perhaps you can create a site and get blogging. Let’s go through a few things you’ll have to do in order to harbor a great travel blog. 

Get To Grips With The Basics

Now, you’ll need to do a little learning if you are completely in the dark. It is 2019, so you probably know a few computer-related things like how to install programs and how to change Mac backgrounds, but that’s not what we’re talking about here. You’re creating a website, so you’ll need to learn some basic-to-intermediate steps and commands before you get started. It’s not rocket science, but without the prior knowledge, you’ll be clueless.

Come Up With A Catchy Name

This is basically a business venture, so you’ll want to attract people with a good name as every company does! You can give it whatever name you like, but something that gets eyes on you is more likely to precede success. 

Pink Jeep

Get Hosted

You can’t get lifted off the ground without being hosted on a server. Companies like Bluehost, IPage and GoDaddy provide space on the internet for you for a price. 

Keep The Content Coming

You can’t idle when doing this kind of thing or you’ll fall behind. If you’re really serious about this, then you’ll have no problem focusing in on it, but leaving it to stagnate is a no-go. The whole point of this site is to provide material for viewers to engage with, so get typing away regularly! Having the right content also boosts the score of the site itself, and that’s what you’re after here. 

A Couple Days in the City


You’ll want to make some money from this stuff sooner or later, and the simplest way to do that is by getting companies to advertise on the site. The go-to, to begin with, is Google Adsense. This is based on the number of clicks and views you get on your site. The more views and clicks; the more money you make.

Work That SEO!

SEO or search engine optimization is the practice of literally getting your site ranked higher on search engines. When people Google certain words or phrases, you’ll want them to see your site on the first page. The way you do this is by continually posting good, relevant content – like we said before. 

You should also have links that are connected to good, searchable keywords. There are a lot of companies out there that you can get in touch with that can do all this for you – it’ll cost you, obviously! But, that’s okay because it’s an investment in your business, after all.

Final Thoughts

While creating and maintaining a successful travel blog may seem far fetched; it’s not. Take some time to invest in yourself, learn some new skills and get to going. Imagine how much different your life could be a year from now.


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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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