How To Drastically Improve Your Health Today

Falling behind on healthy eating discipline plans, or forgetting to attend the gym four times a week can be easily done. You have a busy life, and sometimes other priorities take the lead – this is true for most people, so if you feel as though your health has taken a bit of a hit in recent months or even years, then you’re not alone.

No one is going to blame you for not being able to stick to a routine to the exact word; however, you can draw up a plan that works for you and takes into account all of your life’s quirks and unexpected events. Allow for plenty of downtime, and understand how to work in a way that suits you. Be realistic, and be aware of your capabilities to begin with.

Join A Gym

You might be equipped with a multitude of excuses as to why joining the gym is a terrible idea. However, you might know in your heart that, truthfully, you just don’t want to go.

Attending the gym on a regular basis will sound like a significant commitment, to begin with, but you needn’t necessarily go every day and work until you never wish to see another treadmill again. You can start off small and work up. This is to say that you can begin on the machines you enjoy the most even if you don’t feel as though you’re making huge headway. Get used to going to the gym, and you’ll start to enjoy the buzz you feel afterward. This is due to rush of chemicals flooding your brain and improved circulation throughout your entire body.

Once you understand what you’re doing, how to use the equipment and which times of the day the gym is most busy or quiet, you can seek the help of a personal trainer (PT) to aid you toward your fitness goal. If you love fitness already and are keen to broaden your knowledge, then you might be interested in becoming a PT yourself. If you have the drive and the passion, then consider the likes of Origym to take you to the next level. By studying, you will get to grips with human anatomy, muscle masses, diet plans, and how to rapidly become fitter and healthier.

Add More Vegetables

Make a simple change by focusing on altering how you prepare your daily meals. If your go-to is spaghetti, then consider using chopped courgettes and bell peppers in the sauce instead of an extra serving of meat. If you eat a lot of meat and want to vary your diet and begin to eat less, then look into having meat-free Mondays with your family, or only eating meat after a certain time of the day. You will be able to find what works best for you, but give vegetarian options a go as they very often contain drastically lower levels of salt and trans fats.

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Break The Cycle

In order to improve your health today, you have to want your current routine to change. You have to be willing to break the cycle and swap your old habits for new and healthier ones. This isn’t to say that, to succeed in becoming a happier and healthier person, you have to switch up life as you know it completely, but you will have to make a few changes here and there.

Don’t be alarmed at this, as these tweaks can take shape in the form of purchasing a new glass drinking bottle and beginning to ensure you drink at least two liters of water each day, for example.

If you’re unsure as to how to break the cycle, then begin a diary and take note of the usual activities you engage in each day of the week. By doing this, you’ll be able to determine which parts of the day you’re most productive, and which parts you are least. It is within the least active and productive parts of your day that you can set yourself goals to the tune of:

  • Cycling on an indoor machine for thirty minutes
  • Healthy meal prepping for the next three days (to stop you from impulsively buying snacks and fast food)
  • Following along with a fitness DVD in your home
  • Taking yours or a neighbors dog out for a longer walk than usual
  • Research how to make healthy habits stick
  • Powernap

Be prepared to get to bed a little earlier than usual and to wake earlier too, and to take naps when you’re feeling most tired. Be sure to get the sleep you need, as, without it, you can feel lethargic, uninspired, groggy, and unwilling to change up the routine you’ve become accustomed to.


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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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