How to Fight Off Boredom During Travels

How to Fight Off Boredom During Travels

If you’ve ever watched that RV movie starring Robin Williams then you may recall everyone in the family being incredibly bored. Now, there’s no denying that sometimes travel can get a little boring, it’s just something that happens. Not every single part of a trip can be filled with fun for everyone. 

But if you’re road tripping with the family, taking a tour bus, or flying on a plane, then it’s important to still find a way to enjoy the time until you get to your destination. Here are some helpful tips for fighting off boredom for you and your whole family during trips!

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Begin by Thinking About Your Method of Travel

If you and your family are taking the car, you may want to first consider the vehicle itself. Some vehicles were simply not meant for long-term travel. In fact, on our trip to Canada last month, I rented a small SUV and it ended up being way smaller than we expected – making for a bit of a cramped ride. So be sure to consider everyone’s comfort levels physically speaking. 

Additionally, be sure that the car you are traveling with is reliable and that the driver has some sort of decent navigational system. Edmunds provides plenty of information when it comes to learning more about vehicles. 

If you aren’t riding in a car and maybe going coach, riding a bus, train, or even a plane then this is going to be different. For these, you can’t necessarily control the environment, but these other options are usually considered to be more comfortable.

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3 Tips for Keeping Busy on Your Journey

Some people are not the biggest fans of travel because of the boredom they feel during the transport part itself in the journey. While this is totally understandable, the key is to find that perfect balance. That balance between getting comfortable but also finding a way to properly entertain yourself. Here are some ideas that you may want to try out.

1) Bring a book to read on the ride. Airlines are getting creative with the devices passengers can use during their flights. Some airlines have been offering devices that allow passengers to read a digital book in-flight and have also been asking passengers to purchase ebooks and magazines on the ground. 

While airlines offer these, just know that when it comes to any method of transportation you can grab a book from your at-home library to entertain yourself. Whether it’s physical or an e-book, these can completely entertain you throughout the ride.

2) Keep your phone handy and play games or watch movies on it during the flight or bus ride. Smartphones are everyone’s best friend nowadays. You can read, browse through apps, play video games, stream, and do so much more. These little devices can be your main method of entertainment. Just don’t forget about bringing some type of charger with you.

3) When you get to your destination, plan out what activities you want to do for the day. This tip is simple enough and it works. While you’re riding to your destination if you’re not driving, why not just plan out what you’re wanting to do?

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Final Thoughts

Overall, every part of your trip can be wonderful, fun, and relaxing. You just need to push yourself and do a bit of thinking, and of course, these can be used for your little ones as well. 


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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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