How to Freshen Up Your Bedroom on a Budget

Your bedroom is your very own personal oasis where dreams come to life and peak relaxation is reached. However, when you’ve grown tired of your bedroom’s aesthetic, your bedroom can quickly become a source of headache and distress. While a full revamp is an expensive venture, refreshing a few key aspects can make your space feel brand new in no time and without breaking the bank.

If you’re looking for budget-friendly ways to freshen up your bedroom, you’ve come to the right place. We’re here to provide you with the clever cost-effective inspiration you need to makeover your bedroom. Redeem that air of serenity within 5 easy steps. 

Step 1. Decorate with indoor plants

Zap your bleak bedroom back into its finest form of exuberance by infusing elements of the natural world. Say goodbye to lifeless tabletops, shelves, and walls by welcoming in a few indoor plants.

Whether you opt for hanging plants or potted plants, adding a colorful splash of greenery into your bedroom can make a world of difference in an instant. Not only are plants charming additions to any interior, but they can also purify the air, remove toxins, and simultaneously enhance your visual aesthetic.

Consider furnishing your bedroom with these low-maintenance houseplants that look gorgeous just about anywhere you place them:


Fiddle-leaf fig tree


Red prayer plant

Zanzibar gem

Spider plant


Devil’s ivy



Step 2. Repurpose your furniture

A great way to upgrade your space while working with a limited budget is by repurposing furniture you already own. A fresh layer of paint or stain can turn any piece from fab to drab with a simple DIY project.

No need to go out and overhaul your current furniture when you have perfectly good pieces already decorating your home. Whether you end up repainting a nightstand or turning an old headboard into a piece of hangable art, all you need is a brilliant idea, a toolbox, and a space to create.

Need some inspiration to kick start your ideation process? Check out these eclectic furniture makers:

Step 3. Dress your windows

Curtains add personality and dimension to a room while also allowing you to manage the amount of natural light that beams into your bedroom.  Dense floor-length, draping curtains are an elegant touch to your oasis while sheer curtains look effortlessly minimalist and whimsical.

To find the perfect curtains for your bedroom, try experimenting with colors, patterns, densities, lengths, and materials to ensure the curtains you choose blend seamlessly with your style.

Step 4. Rethink your bedscape

Your bed is the focal point of your bedroom, so it serves you well to make an effort to cultivate a bedscape that feels cozy and looks posh. Updating your throw pillows and your duvet can be the game-changing step between you and a room that feels completely rejuvenated. Oftentimes it’s the little things that make the most poignant differences. 

Whether you decide to go with a high-end all-white look or opt for a more mellowed-out boho-chic look, make sure each piece you invest in is comfortable. The last thing you need is an uncomfortable bedscape that offers up nothing but sleepless nights.

Step 5. Update your bedding

Underneath the aesthetic of your sheets and throw pillows lies a world of comfort worth diving into. The bedding you furnish with will define your quality of sleep, and if you’re at all interested in getting a good night’s sleep every single night, it may be time to look into cozy add-ons such as: 

  • Mattress pad: Though similar to mattress protectors, mattress pads are designed to provide an extra layer of comfort between your body and your mattress. If your mattress is stiff or just a little too firm, a mattress pad may be the one-stop-shop solution you need.
  • Memory foam pillow: If you’re dealing with sleep apnea, neck pain, or any trouble breathing at night, a memory foam pillow can help combat each of these issues and bridge the gaps between you and happy snoozing.

Don’t let your budget stop you from revamping your bedroom! With these 5 easy steps, you can freshen up your space without putting a dent in your wallet.


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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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