It’s Time For Change: Is Your Career Holding You Back?

Self Improvement Month

While getting my health evaluation done at work, the phlebotomist asked me if I loved my job. I couldn’t believe she asked me this because it’s not something that is typically asked of me. My response was, “I like what I do”. She replied, “You didn’t answer the question.” From that brief conversation, I was challenged to think about my current and future career paths.

Sometimes we can find ourselves at a bit of a crossroads when it comes to our career paths. At the time, the job or career you have now may have been the ideal choice. But things change, don’t they? You gain more experience in life and in the workplace. You learn that you have passions for different things and you develop new skills.

Often times, people find they get to a point where it is time to change, but their current career is holding them back. So what do you do about it?

Read on for some of the ways you can make the career change you have been thinking about.


Start with a killer resume

If you are trying to change your job then one of the first ports of call would be your resume. You need to ensure that you make some changes to it to incorporate the new focus of career you are wanting in your life. It might be a good idea to start looking at templates online to help you put yours together. Make sure it has all of your relevant experience and most previous job responsibilities before sending out to prospective employers.

Develop your skills

It might be a good idea to start thinking about your current skills and knowledge and looking at options to advance them in some way. It could be worth it to look at studying options and taking on courses and degrees from home.

For example, if you are considering business, it might be an aacsb accredited online mba program in business management, or perhaps looking at advancing your skills in marketing.

Self Improvement Month

First impressions count

There is no hiding from the fact that first impressions count for so much these days, so are you ready to make the sort of first impression that will land you the new job?

The best advice is to look at the way you present yourself, and also take the time to practice your interview techniques. From preparing answers to obvious questions to thinking about what you may be asked.

Show initiative and seek out opportunities

You may also want to think about about seeking out opportunities yourself. Not all vacancies are advertised, and in today’s competitive market, once they are you may be up against stiff competition. Seeking out opportunities may allow you to be first in the know for when jobs are available. Contact employers, send your resume out, and head to networking events.

Could you work for yourself?

Finally, is there an option where you could work for yourself? Sometimes taking that plunge and actually going for it could be the best decision you make. It may take guts at first, but it could also allow you to find the home and work life balance that you crave in your day to day life.

Be on the lookout for tomorrow’s post on home and work life balance! I hope that these tips help you when it comes to changing your career for the better.

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