What’s on my 2018 Fall Bucket List – If You’re Interested

Fall Bucket List

With Lady Fall making her entrance this Saturday, I knew I had to jump in and post this year’s Fall Bucket List. I love scrolling through other bloggers Fall Bucket Lists. Many things are traditional, but sometimes I come across some really unique items on the list. Mine, perhaps is a mix of both. A little bit of the traditional fall bologna like pumpkin carving and a few things unique to me.

Without further adieu, below is my very specific 2018 Fall Bucket List – which also contains affiliate links.

Fall In Love

Doesn’t that sound so romantic? It sure does to me. So, to go along with falling in love, I want to try out a few of the Date Night In subscription boxes and go out on at least one date per month.

Is that too much to ask for? I don’t think so.

Date Night In Box Review

Enhance My Social Scene

In addition to having at least one date per night, I want to go out with my friends at least once per month. With the busyness of work, school, extracurricular activities, daily routines, and chores, the social scene often gets neglected in my life. Does this sound familiar?

I want to fix it! Plus, I miss my friends.

All Pumpkin Everything

Well, here comes the traditional fall affairs. I would like to go to a pumpkin patch, of course! But, not just any pumpkin patch. This year, I am looking forward to going to Cornucopia Farms in Indiana. They even have a fall festival!

While there, we will get our pumpkins so that we can get to carving. Who knows? We may try something different this year, such as painting them.

Cabin Camping

What’s fall without a little bit of camping, right? That’s right! So, the plan is to head down south and do some cabin camping this fall. Hopefully, we can hit a few new states on the way.

Is there a campground down south that you love?

Halloween Everything

Halloween is becoming increasingly popular! I love it! I mean – I don’t love the creepy and scary side of things. But, I sure love the colors, funny pumpkin faces, decorations, and treats. With that being said, the plan is to go all out with decorations and have what has become our annual Halloween dinner.

Do you host a Halloween dinner or party? What do you do?

Fall Bucket List

Self Care and Weight Loss

Before Old Man Winter appears I’d like to lose 12 pounds. I also want to be mindful throughout the season and take really good care of myself. Hello! Just say yes to taking relaxing bubble baths and trying out this Pumpkin Apple Cider bubble bath and body wash.

In addition to this, I want to make sure I get my hair, nails, and toes done. Lastly, I want to journal and appreciate all that I have done and been blessed with as we begin to bring 2018 to a close.

This should all be so easy, right? We’ll see.

Fall Bucket List Final Thoughts

My hope is to not just create another random list, but to actually end 2018 by completing this year’s Fall Bucket List and making beautiful memories along the way.

I guess I better get to writing in my Book of Positive Aspects, huh?

What’s on your 2018 Fall Bucket List?

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