Why Travelling the World Doesn’t Need to Hinder Your Studies or Work

Travelling the world can be an eye-opening experience. The world is full of exciting and wondrous sights and sounds. And, there are millions of things to learn about the planet that we simply wouldn’t ever encounter by sitting at home.

For many people, travelling is a way of life and it’s important to see the world in all of its glory and beauty. Sadly, travelling is also seen as something that is recreational and should only be done when you have spare time to do so. This is because travelling takes us out of our workplace and it distracts us from things like studying.

But, is it really such a huge hindrance to our life?

Continue reading this post to find out why travelling the world doesn’t need to hinder your work or studies. As long as you plan ahead and you’re realistic about your expectations, you should be good to go.

Work and study can now be done online

The internet is a wonderful invention that has given us opportunities that didn’t exist a decade or two ago. For example, you can study for an online MSN if you’re aiming to become a nurse. If so, you wouldn’t need to visit any physical location. It’s 100% online and you can complete it while you’re travelling assuming you have the time and dedication.

Similarly, you can also work online if your workplace allows for it. There are many job paths, such as freelancing, that don’t require you to visit an office every workday. You could become a freelance writer, designer, or a travel blogger. Or, make money with the internet through other smart and creative means.

There’s a whole world of opportunities available thanks to the internet, and all it takes is a little research, planning and dedication to be able to work and study online while you’re travelling.

The only major concern should be having a stable internet connection!

Travelling can keep you from being distracted

In combination with the above point about using the internet, travelling can actually put you out of your comfort zone so that you’re not being lazy or unproductive.

Think about it this way; if you’re used to sitting at home working and if you’re used to taking the same commute over and over again – it can get to a point where doing those daily tasks is tiresome or even boring. But, that’s when travelling can come in handy.

If you’re in an unfamiliar environment, you may be motivated to work harder and be more productive. You’re going to want to get your work and studies done faster so that you can go out and explore. In addition, you don’t get that same comfort as you do when you’re at home, meaning you’re less likely to doze off or be a bit lazy when there’s work that needs to be done.

Final Thoughts on Travelling the World

In short, travelling can put you in a unique position where you’re motivated to work harder. And, you may find that you’re less likely to sink into comforts that are ultimately distracting.


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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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