Vibing with My Morning Meditation Routine

As of 8.29.23, this post has been updated.

In today’s blog post, I’m excited to take you on a deep dive into my morning meditation routine. This daily practice, lasting around 20 minutes, has become a cornerstone of positivity in my day.

During a past summer, an opportunity arose on The Blog Frog where I, along with 10 other popular lifestyle bloggers, unveiled our morning rituals. A wide array of morning habits among women was showcased. However, what struck me most was the shared commitment to setting aside a few precious moments prior to embracing the day’s obligations.

In the still accessible Blog Frog post, I detailed my morning routine from that period, which essentially revolved around checking my Daily Teachings Law of Attraction app. Back then, the act of absorbing a single quote each morning bestowed upon me clarity, invigoration, and the impetus to conquer the day’s challenges.

Zooming ahead several years later, life has evolved, and my needs have expanded beyond a solitary quote for daily satisfaction and the drive to seize the day.

My Evolved Morning Meditation Routine

My morning routine has transformed into a 20-minute meditation practice, which encompasses a variety of elements. These elements, including meditation music, steeped tea, incense, candles, crystals, journaling, and even a quick tarot reading, contribute to a holistic start to my day.

This ritual fuels my enthusiasm to rise from bed and establishes a positive tone for the day. With this context in mind, let’s delve into some of my favorite components of my morning routine. 

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Steeped Tea

Lately, my heart has been captured by either Yogi’s Mango Ginger or Raspberry Tea. The act of selecting my mug for the day is something I approach with great mindfulness. It might come across as whimsical, but I have a deep affection for my collection of mugs, each chosen to harmonize with the narrative I aim to weave throughout the day.

Throughout this recent week, my focal point has centered on relinquishing the past and steering towards a fresh trajectory. Consequently, I’ve taken pleasure in sipping from my “You Are Enough” mug. Its message resonates profoundly.

Incense and Candles

My current fascination lies with Palo Santo Incense, known for its ability to infuse tranquility into the atmosphere. Additionally, I incorporate Meditation Incense, revered for its soothing qualities and delightful aromas.

These cherished items are sourced from one of my beloved Metaphysical stores, All My Relations, located in Indianapolis. This establishment boasts an array of candles, crystals, incense, and more.

In recent months, I’ve been drawn to white and pink candles, symbolizing love, compassion, purity, and clarity. Occasionally, I enhance the experience by introducing my very own lavender manifestation ritual candles.

Shop | Natural Amethyst Crystal Geode

Crystals and Meditation Music from Youtube

Once my incense and candles are lit and my tea is complete, I play meditation music that I have saved on my Youtube library. My favorite for the past two years has been Crystals Healing: Healing Music For the Soul – Spiritual Awakening by Ann Redgewell. It’s so satisfying.

Tarot Spread and Book of Positive Aspects

From there, I complete a three-card universal tarot spread which includes the theme of the day, good news about the day, and the highest energy for the day.  The cards I’m currently using are The Universe Has Your Back. They are inspiring and easy to use and comprehend.

After a brief meditation and setting my intentions, I’m usually ready to begin the day. If time permits, I dedicate a few extra moments to journaling a page in my “Book of Positive Aspects.” While this is often a challenge on weekday mornings, I make up for it in the evenings and certainly on weekends.

Final Thoughts

A common misconception is that spirituality is intertwined with religion, but this is far from accurate. Investing a few moments each morning in this practice allows me to harmonize my mind, body, and soul while establishing a positive trajectory for the day ahead.

I’m curious: What does your morning routine entail?

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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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