My Top 10 Favorite January Moments

Instead of a What I’m Doing Now Sunday post, I’m giving you my favorite moments of January 2020. I’m also giving you a few challenges that came waltzing my way, as well. Because, let’s be honest. It’s not always gumdrops and sugar plums.

Anywho, I can hardly believe that January has come and gone. While the first month of a new year and decade end, January 31st marks a new year for me. With that being said, I’m pretty elated to begin my new year. So, Happy Birthday and Happy New Year to moi!! My birthday weekend was filled with great energy and love, but I’ll talk about that at the end. 

For now, let’s get right into my favorite moments(and not so favorite moments) of January 2020.


#1 Starting a fresh 2020 planner was so important for me. I could not wait to walk away from 2019. The energy in 2019 was just not the best for me. It came with a lot of challenges and deaths in our family which were all recorded in my planner. So, quite frankly, I was ready to burn that planner to the ground. Granted, I didn’t, but I sure felt that way. Therefore, being able to record new events and create a better year is exciting. I love my new Twenty Twenty planner!

#2 Getting an annual eye exam and my prescription not changing in four years . Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. As an added bonus… ordered new specs. I can’t wait for their arrival and to wear them.

#3 Having a movie night at home curled up watching Mowgli and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with my son. My son enjoys relaxing together and watching movies, however we hadn’t done it in awhile simply because I am not a huge tv or movie person. We were also able to cross off Family Movie Night from our 2020 Family Bucket List.

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#4 Taking a tarot reading workshop on a Saturday afternoon. Since I am self-taught in tarot and oracle card reading, it was nice to get some face to face instructions and a different perspective. I also completed my Reiki Level 1, 2, and Master class. I won’t be a certified practitioner until my student ceremony and final exam is complete – which won’t be until the end of month. I’m proud of myself because it was one of the things I had listed under Personal and Spiritual Development in my Lifebook. 

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#5 Witnessing my son’s excitement as he entered Skyzone after wanting to go for months. Plus, I scored a great deal on Groupon!

#6 Spending time with my nieces throughout January. Opening adorable photos of them in their new dresses that I bought them after pinkie promising that I would. In addition to showing my oldest niece my childhood Lisa Frank sticker album. Anddd… them coming over my birthday weekend to bring me goodies. I love those little girls! 

#7 Hearing my teenage son say, I love you, mom when heading off to school or going to bed. He also posted the cutest IG post for my birthday. Awwww….

#8 Being at our monthly family dinners always brings me joy. After my dad passed, as a family we agreed to have monthly dinners. We take turns hosting and it is so much fun. I look forward to them every month. February is my month to host again. I think I am going with a Valentine’s theme because my house is decorated for Valentine’s Day already, and with the dinner being after Valentine’s Day, I will find a lot of good sales on decorations, paper plates, cups, etc. 

Valentine's Day

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#9 There have been a lot of new collaborations on the blog that are coming. Some of these partnerships have been some of my absolute favorites. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. In addition to this, I want to say, Thank you to those who participated in the Winter Wonders Giveaway. A winner was selected by Giveaway Tools and notified.

#10 My birthday weekend was pretty awesome! A friend took me out for breakfast, my brother took me out for lunch. I spent time with my college roommate on her lunch break and then later that night went to her house. We painted (oversized coloring sheets – hahaha), enjoyed wine, music, and great conversation. Also during the day, I had cupcakes with my youngest brother and sons. 

The love continued into Saturday where I had breakfast with my brother and his children and also spent the evening out enjoying a new restaurant. 

Sunday, I was blessed to spend time with my two nieces. I received a lot of adorable gifts, but the love and energy was of course the most important. 


Now, those pesky January challenges and how I dealt with them.

#1 My Teeth – After returning from New York, I began having a terrible toothache. I ended up having an emergency dental appointment that resulted in having my tooth extracted. There was no saving it. This has been crushing because it has affected my smile. I smile so big that you see almost all of my teeth, and now there is a whole hole. Wonk! Wonk! 

I am thankful that I am no longer in pain, and have since been back to the dentist for a treatment plan and fillings. But, I am crushed. Eating has been different and now I am on a mission to figure out the whole dental implant situation. Grrr. 

#2 My Car – In the midst of all of that, my SUV did something crazy while I was on my way to get highlights (from a Groupon) last week for my birthday (that didn’t happen). I ended up aborting the mission and going home. I thought it had something to do with the fuel pump, so I had a fuel system service completed, and oil change, and fuel injections done… only to find out that was not the problem. I needed a tune up. At first, I felt like I spent money unnecessarily, but I mean, the fuel services needed to be done anyway. 

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So, no highlights. The bun – it will continue to be until after this tune up is completed. I am just thankful that nothing tragic happened while I was on the highway. It could have been disastrous and it wasn’t. Therefore, I am beyond grateful for a safe experience. 

Final Thoughts on January 2020

I am simply thankful for a great month of January and looking forward to a great month of February with minimal challenges.

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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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