In honor of the late, Evaluate Your Life Day which was on October 19th, I am giving you the final post in my series of Our Life Book Experience. If you are new to the process, please check out…
Our Lifebook Experience – Part 1
Our Lifebook Experience – Part 2
In this final post, I am sharing with you the final product and my thoughts about the process, as well as moving forward.

Initially, when I started this process, I wanted to include my boys. I wanted them to allow me to work with them on a mini version of their own Life Book. But, what I realized throughout this process was that this was a large project to tackle and perhaps a bit too much for the boys at this moment.
And, that’s okay.

However, it hasn’t stopped me from working with them on their goals. After finishing my Lifebook, my oldest son and I sat down and put a plan in place for his high school and college life experiences so that he has a roadmap and strategy for success.
I’m super happy about what we came up with because as he moves forward, there is no guesswork. We will simply work the plan. As a reminder for him, his plan is framed and hanging on his wall, while my plan is in my book.

My youngest son has been very interested in my Lifebook and wants to eventually make his own. And, to be quite honest, I’m excited to work on it with him. But, in the meantime, he is continuing to use his vision board and doing a great job at marking things off!
For 2019, he had six items on his vision board and he has already completed three. My goal is to help him reach the last three which include creating a Youtube channel, visiting New York City, and getting a job – which is actually his channel. So, we clearly have work to do.
What’s interesting about me being excited about working with them on achieving their goals is that this is a category (Parenting) that I spent quite a bit of time on. I want to be and continue to be a great mother. So, I was really selective in my thoughts on what I want to achieve in this category.

Parenting is only one category. There are 12 altogether, so you can see why it would take a month (at least) to complete.
For myself, I spent the entire month of September devoted to completing this project Yes. It took an entire month. But, I am not the only one who has invested in this project; many people do. I just recently commented on an Instagram post from a family I follow. They are in the process of creating theirs. Yayyy!

Final Thoughts
I honestly believe that flipping through my own Lifebook, gives me what I need to achieve more of my personal vision of success in every area of life. I was able to take my personal mission statement, divide it up into the categories listed (and a few of my own) to create a successful plan for my (our) life.
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