Blowing Bubbles
Although fall has not yet begun, it feels as if summer has come to an end. With that being said, last night, I took down our Summer Bucket List that was hanging on the corkboard on the kitchen wall and replaced it with a savings plan for our winter vacation…which is quickly approaching.
Winter! What?! I can’t believe in no time at all, winter will actually be here.
Anywho, I took some time to deflate all of the pool floats and tucked away the beach towels for next year. Although I am a little bummed, I am thankful to have been able to have an AMAZING summer!
With this in mind, grab a cup of your favorite beverage and let’s recap for memories and inspiration, because this is a long one.
Reflecting On Our Summer Bucket List
- Just Be Happy – We were all over HAPPINESS this summer and HAPPINESS was all over us!
- Summer-Themed Family Picnic – Our family picnic was one of the first things we accomplished after the Summer Bucket List was created! I believe that really set the tone for our summer. I really put time into creating every detail of the summer picnic and it showed in how we felt, how we interacted, and how the photos turned out once it was all over.
- Spray Park – We did not make it to anyone’s Spray Park this summer. But, that’s okay because on our Family Vacation to Florida in April the boys spent a great deal of time at the Legoland Spray Park.
- Drive-In Movie – Although we did not make it to the Drive-In Movie, we did make it to the movies! We went to see Transformers.
- Glow Bubbles and Homemade Popsicles did not make the cut either. But, that’s okay because we made ice cream in a bag at the park.
- We did indeed take TONS of pictures and I am compiling them all for a Summer Scrap Book instead of a Summer Scrap Board. I really think our kitchen bulletin board served as the scrap board this summer. We were forever posting photos and crossing items off the bucket list.
- My baby’s 4th Birthday was a highlight, and of course, that was wonderful! I really enjoyed creating all of the green Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles decor.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle 4th Birthday Party at Home
- Ride Bikes
- Flying Kites, Making a Fairy Garden, Hula Hooping, and Jump Roping just did not happen. At this point, I have to question myself and ask myself if I felt like the summer bucket list was realistic or not. Ha!
- Weekend Road Trip and Aunt Ruth’s Birthday Celebration was coupled together! That was such an amazing and effortless trip! Remembering that special hug from Aunt Tiny was THE best!

Weekend Road Trip to West Virginia
- Okay, the Music Festival was compromised by the rain and so was attempt ONE and TWO of the Garden Party! I put so much energy into creating the perfect Garden Party! Sigh. Maybe another time.
- Welcoming my niece was the cutest! I just wish she would hurry up already!
- The Beach, Sitting Outside at Night and the Museum were all covered when I went to the Summer Institute in St. Petersburg, FL! St. Petersburg, Florida was simply a breath of fresh air!

Solo in St. Pete
————————————-My goodness this list is long! LOL——————————–
- I was able to do a little of each; send summer letters and send summer postcards! I found a site that would send up to five FREE postcards. People really appreciated receiving them. Unfortunately, the site doesn’t exist, anymore.
- While we did not make it to the baseball game together as a family, Jay was able to go to the last Danville Dan’s game of the season with the Boys & Girls Club Summer Program!
- We spent so much time at the swimming pool this summer! I think that was another highlight for us! We all had an amazing time!
- Family Photos were another biggie! We took advantage of a 4th of July special a local photographer was advertising.

Family Photos with Local Photographer
- And, although I did not make it to the Farmer’s Market with my pretty sundress, floppy hat, and straw bag (LOL), I did make it to the local Farmer’s Market one day after work with my son. We walked through the strip and later sat down and shared a freezie cup! Works for me!

Ice Cream in a Bag
- My brother’s birthday was also on the list. He asked for us to cook him a few things…so, I cooked up a few things, decorated a small table in the kitchen, grabbed a few drinks, and invited over the family, and viola! Happy Birthday, Bro! It even included a cake!
—————————–Ummm, I’m ready for this list to end. LOL——————————–
- Putt-Putt golf was also on the list, and it’s another one of those things that were tweaked and altered. Instead of putt-putt, we all actually got a chance to hit the golfing range! I think that was pretty cool!
- Finally, there were a few other things that just did not materialize; the zoo, making s’mores, cooking out, and making sun tea.
- Finally, finally, there were some things I listed for myself. Remember that small, little list in the corner of the big list!? 😉 Well, I did wear dresses! I did not have one romantic date. I did not work out daily, but weekly, and there was no 5K nothing ran! LOL. I did update Just Brennon weekly, if not bi-weekly, and FUN is what I had the entire summer!

Sleepy Creek Vineyard
- Oh, and, finally, finally, finally, there were some things not on the bucket list that brought about some great memories! The day we went to the movies, we also enjoyed the Bloomington Gold Corvette Show. And, wine was big this summer! I went to the Wine Festival in Chicago and also Sleepy Creek! This was truly an amazing summer!

Bloomington Gold Corvette Show
Okay, now let’s do a little math before we end this thing. Overall, there were about 43 things on our list and we accomplished about 31 things including what was extra and altered. That’s over 70% of what we set out to accomplish! Not bad! Not bad!
See you later, Summer! And, Hello, Fall!
This post was last updated 6/05/2017 and again on 01/06/2025.

Solo in St. Pete