Simple Self Care Tips During the Election

Aren’t things a little uncomfortable right now as we wait on the final results of the presidential election? If you can relate to this, please take some time and care for yourself by giving yourself a break from the news and media and everything else that’s going on in the world today.

For starters, I want to emphasize gratitude before anything else. It’s so important to be thankful for all that we have right now. I mean…every…single…thing. 

I read a post on social media that said, while some people are living a life of normalcy, others are living through the apocalypse. I can understand with all the job cuts, the pandemic, etc. 


So, before you think once to complain, change your perspective and be grateful.

Now, let’s jump into a few simple self care tips to ease your nerves and anxiety during this election.

Beautify Your Home for the Holidays

Aside from the election, we have the holidays quickly approaching. I’ve seen so many posts about people putting up their Christmas trees and decorations now just to bring some joy and cheer into their households. 

While we are not yet decorating for Christmas, I think it is a wonderful idea. Why? Because taking the time to beautify your home will help you to feel more relaxed and comfortable. 

And, while you are at, don’t forget to declutter and get rid of all the things you don’t need. You’ll find that once your home is less cluttered, it’s far easier to feel peaceful and productive.

Home Spa Time

Home spa time is one of the simplest and most effective ways to feel relaxed. I love an at home spa day. To accomplish this you will need a few beauty products, candles, and some bubble bath hacks for complete relaxation! 

Spend the day trying out face masks, aromatherapy, or painting your nails, or anything that makes you feel pampered and chilled. 

Why not even try making your own at home DIY products? There are so many recipes on Pinterest that I just love and adore. 

Think of making natural face masks using coconut oil, banana, and avocado or even  adding a little sea salt to your bath to soothe tired and achy muscles.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness refers to achieving a full awareness of the present moment including our environment, sensations, thoughts and feelings. The idea is to view our experiences in a nurturing and gentle way. 

Practicing mindfulness can help people to appreciate the small things, adopt a more positive mindset, and eliminate negative thought patterns. Mindfulness is closely linked to meditation.

Meditation is about clearing the mind to take a break from the constant internal chatter. The idea is to focus on the present moment, engage in relaxing breathing exercises, and improve spiritual awareness. 

Feel free to check out my morning meditation routine

Creative Hobbies

I’m doing calligraphy. Practicing creativity allows us to express our emotions, experience a sense of achievement, and to relax. Challenge yourself to spend time creating something. It could be painting, knitting a scarf, baking a cake or learning a musical instrument. 

Allowing yourself time to experiment with your creative side is the perfect act of self care. Learning new things is a great way to improve your health and wellness.

Feel free to check out our recent hobbies during the pandemic.

10 Simple Ideas To Supercharge Your Self Care

Improve Your Sleep

Sleep directly affects both our mood and our physical health, when we sleep badly we are more likely to feel anxious. Many of us sleep poorly when we are stressed, and so the whole thing often becomes a vicious cycle. 

To help my sleep, I’ve been falling asleep to meditation music on YouTube at various hertz. Each hertz offers a little something different. 


Most of us know that exercise supports both our physical and mental health. So, don’t worry about changing things up right now, simply do something enjoyable and get your body moving. 

For example, if you have access to a pool, take a swim. If not, take a brisk walk. 

Final Thoughts

Lastly, to wrap up this post, it’s so important to know that self care is not selfish. It is actually necessary. So, go ahead and arm yourself with a variety of self care tools that you need to get through this stressful time. 

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Simple Self Care Tips During the Election


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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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