Twice in the past, the boys and I have spent incredible afternoons at America’s Incredible Pizza. Our first visit was to the St. Louis, Missouri location and our second visit was at the Memphis, Tennessee location. Both visits were extremely fun and COVID-19 didn’t exist.
Fast forward to the present day where we are in the midst of attempting to return to some resemblance of our normal lifestyles which includes safe family fun. Read on for what to expect at America’s Incredible Pizza during the pandemic.

America’s Incredible Pizza
For starters, America’s Incredible Pizza is a chain of restaurants that offer pizza buffets and huge fairground style entertainment centers. In fact, America’s Incredible Pizza Company has been voted as the #1 Family Entertainment Center in the world, twice!
In the past, prior to COVID-19, your family could enter and freely spend their time, making multiple trips to the buffets to serve themselves and ride the fairground style rides at their leisure.
Now, with COVID-19, things are just a little bit different. Here’s how.

Face Coverings
Of course, you must wear a face covering throughout the facility. In fact, wearing a face covering in the city of St. Louis is required. You do not have to wear your mask while sitting at your table and dining.
It’s also important to note that proper spacing is available through the dining areas. Every other booth or table is marked as “Reserved” so that you know not to sit at that particular table.
Speaking of eating and dining, let’s chat about what to expect in terms of the buffet.

Cafeteria-Style Buffet
As I mentioned earlier, in the past, upon entering and paying, you were greeted with a huge buffet with a variety of foods (over 80 options) such as pizzas, hot dogs, tacos, a salad bar, desserts, etc.
With COVID-19, options have been limited and the buffet style has been changed to cafeteria style. What this means is that instead of helping yourself to the food, servers put your food on your plate as you stand in a single-file line – practicing social distancing.

Look at my salad that the server made! Wasn’t she generous?
Anywho, while you can still make multiple trips to the buffet, you just have to be a bit more patient by waiting your turn and asking for a few pieces or scoops of what you would like.
My advice for this is to use your manners, be kind, and speak loud enough to be heard through your face covering.

Germ-Free Stations
Don’t forget to clean your hands at one of the multiple germ-free stations. What I love about this is that this practice was already established prior to the pandemic. I just don’t recall if it was labeled like this or not.
Either way, this and other preventive measures have been implemented in line with recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Browse deals from America’s Incredible Pizza.

Dining Rooms at America’s Incredible Pizza
Before we move on to the indoor arcade and fairground, let’s talk about the dining rooms briefly. There are four dining rooms available with each having its own theme including the Diner, the Family Room, the Starlite Room, and the Gymnasium.
For example, The Smurfs movie was playing in the Starlite Room. In the 1950’s, the Starlite Theater was fun for the entire family, so this room was created with a big movie screen to give the feel of the original Starlite Theater. While it was a cute set up, you know I am always going to head to the Diner for the Route 66 theme.
The Diner has a 50’s theme with red and black tables and booths, illuminated by the red neon lights that border the ceiling. Route 66 is my jam!
Read more about my Route 66 adventures.

Indoor Arcade and Fairground
Now, let’s talk about the back of the facility that has the large indoor arcade and fairground. Yes, indoor fairground with a roller coaster and racetrack! It’s a child’s dream come true which makes it an incredible place to celebrate a child’s special occasion – or any day for that matter!
Prior to COVID-19, this place would be packed with people all over the place. Now, there is a limit as to how many people can actually be in the building at one time. We arrived within the first hour of opening, so there were very few guests. But, as our time began to wind down, more and more people were entering.

Ride & Activity Time Schedule
In addition to this, there is now an activity schedule – which unfortunately doesn’t include all of the rides such as the roller coaster. But, I completely understand why.
As we walked around the arcade and fairground it was relieving to see staff walk around wiping down each of the games as people finished.
Honestly, I liked having the schedule as it helped me to plan out how much time we were going to be spending there.

For example, when we arrived, the Go-Karts were getting started, so my son raced the Go-Karts first. Once we were done, we went to eat and played games, until he was ready to do Bumper Cars. After Bumper Cars, we ate dessert while waiting for the next round of Go-Karts, again.
Once that was over, we had run through both of our game cards, and it was time to cash in our tickets and head out.

Final Thoughts
Overall, we spent about two hours at America’s Incredible Pizza and still had a great time even during the pandemic. We wore our masks, followed the activity schedule, practiced social distancing, and used the germ-free station often. The most important things to consider are to be mindful of your health and safety, as well as others.
Lastly, I want to mention that the Incredible Pizza Company Foundation has been giving back to causes since 2007. I’m only mentioning this because I appreciate companies that support meaningful causes.
Read Five Easy Ways for Busy Moms to Help Causes They Care About and Help a Cause with the Prana Brush.
This post is in partnership with America’s Incredible Pizza Company.