What’s Your Wildest Dream? + Worksheet

Sometimes we get caught up in our daily routine of the same ol’ thing forgetting about our wildest dreams. So, in today’s post I want to talk a little bit about your “wildest dreams”. 

Each year, I start the year off by creating a vision board. I know you’ve heard of it. The poster board with all of your magazine cutouts of what you want to accomplish for the year. Some people swear by them, and others not so much. 

Nevertheless, on those vision boards or goal posters, we create what we ultimately want for the year or for our lives, never thinking that it’s something that we can’t achieve. 

But, after a few months into the year, we forget it about it and fall back into our comfortable and typical everyday routines. Don’t let this be you.

So, let’s get fired up

Let’s forget about our fears and our doubts. Let’s drown out all of that negativity and crappy self-talk and let’s get back to dreaming and visualizing our wildest dreams. 

Take a moment and grab a sheet of paper and something to write with. 

Or, download my free What’s Your Wildest Dream? Worksheet below.

  • Pause for 30 seconds (no more than a minute) and quickly write your wildest dreams. 
  • Come back and let’s see what you wrote down. 

My Wildest Dreams include having a healthy and happy marriage, having a beautiful courthouse wedding, having a happy and healthy family and lifestyle, and traveling the United States in an RV all while continuing to blog.  I can just feel it and it feels so good! 

Now, that we have all established our wildest dreams, what are some things that you can do in the next 30 days to move you closer to your wildest dreams?

Write down three things that you can so this month to move you closer to your wildest dreams.

If you haven’t already, go ahead and create a vision board or dream board that inspires you to take action. If this type of creativity is not for you, consider writing in a notebook (Book of Positive Aspects) repeatedly of your wildest dreams and desired reality. And, if that’s not a preferable option for you, consider having an Accountability or Dream Buddy. 

Leave a comment and let me know what your wildest dreams are.


Welcome! I’m glad you’re here.

Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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