Your Guide to Spring Cleaning the Kitchen

Spring is just around the corner, so now is a great time to freshen up the home for the new season or, if you are moving (in my case). One room to pay close attention to is the kitchen, one of the busiest spaces in a typical family residence. 

So, keep reading for your guide to spring cleaning the kitchen to ensure nothing gets missed.

Sort the Drawers

If you’re like most families, there’s a drawer that’s a catch-all for everything from kids’ artwork to crazy straws, and band-aids. Take the time to sort this space to make it easier to find things within it.

Get small clear containers and take off the lids, then put items within them, sorting by groups. An example would be to put all of the crazy straws in one bin and the random artwork and stickers in another. Then put them all into the drawer. 

Way to go, you sorted this one! Now move on…

Countertops and Other Germy Territory

Wipe down these surfaces that hold more germs than you might realize at first.

But, don’t forget to put your gloves on! 

Protect yourself from harmful germs by wearing nitrile gloves while cleaning countertops and other germ-ridden areas. Remember, nitrile gloves provide a reliable barrier against potential pathogens, ensuring your safety during the cleaning process.

For the countertop, don’t just use a dirty rag to wipe away crumbs as doing so will only spread the germs around. Instead, get a new rag or sponge out once a week, at minimum. Also, let them dry between uses. After one week, put the cloth or sponge into the washing machine and then in the dryer for a thorough clean.

For refrigerator handles, doorknobs, and small appliances, use a disinfectant spray. This rule applies to anywhere your hands touch around the room.

Fix Anything Needing Repair

A big part of spring cleaning is getting everything ready for the upcoming season. Now is the time to get appliance parts to repair the dishwasher, blender, oven, or something else that you’ve been neglecting lately.

By doing so, you’ll be able to make full use of your kitchen. You’ll feel great after resolving the issue and could be more productive in the kitchen then too.

Our toaster is in need of either a repair or replacing. And, we also need to replace our Brita filters for both of our Brita pitchers. Now is the time to handle these. 

Keep, Donate or Throw Out

Do you have extra wooden spoons or excess glassware? If so, it might be time to downsize. I have an overwhelming amount of mugs. 

If clutter is taking over your kitchen, sort through cupboards, cabinets, and drawers to determine what to keep, donate, or toss. Whenever possible, donate to charity as others less fortunate could likely use the things you don’t need or want anymore.

What’s on the Counter?

Now that the counter is clean, it’s time to decide what to put on it. The fewer the things, the bigger the surface will appear to you and everyone else who’s there.

Put away the toaster, for example, if only gets used once a month. And while you’re looking around, think about when the last time was that you washed the kitchen scale or coffee machine. If it’s been a while, then do so now.

Tackle the Fridge and Freezer

Lastly, the fridge and freezer. This one can be a big job if it’s been a disaster area in there for a while. Take everything out and toss outdated or spoiled food.

Wipe down all shelves and drawers with warm soapy water. And then sort things as you put them back on the shelves into groupings, such as yogurts, beverages, and fruits.

Final Thoughts

While this was just a brief guide to spring clean your kitchen, there are other things to do, as well. Don’t forget to sweep and mop your floor. Pull out larger appliances such as wine coolers, deep freezers, the stove, etc. to make sure that there is nothing behind them.

Yes, it will be a busy day (or two), but spring cleaning your kitchen is a great way to get your home healthy and clean, and also ring in the season!


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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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