What I’m Doing Now 02.23.20 – Effort!

I’m so happy to be back on track with my blog posts! I pretty much took a mini hiatus for the past week as I spent a considerable amount of time prepping for interviews and in interviews. Fingers crossed for the position that is genuinely for me. One that leads to growth and advancement with no envy, nor hesitation. Can you relate?

On another note, I’ve been really working through my Lifebook and putting in the effort to get so many things accomplished – including picking out new furniture, manifesting our perfect camper, reading some good books, and practicing self care. Keep reading for all the deets!

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New Furniture, Please

We’ve had the same furniture for the past six years. When we relocated back from the Virginias, we got all new furniture and haven’t upgraded yet. Now, it’s time, especially with relocating on the very near horizon. 

So, a few weeks back my brother and I went furniture shopping for him and eye shopping for me. With him just moving back, this was definitely an important task (for him). But, for me, eye shopping was suitable. 

As we browsed through the furniture store, I took photos of all of my favorite pieces and sets which ended being almost an exact match to the furniture that I put in my Lifebook. The theme is a welcoming brown with most of the tabletops and countertops being a marble brown. 

There were also some fun accent pieces that I adored such as a turquoise accent chair and a nectar accent chair. Although I love the welcoming warm brown, I love color in my personal space.

I am so excited for our move!


Manifesting Our Perfect Camper 

There are so many posts on the blog about the desire to have our own camper. The timing has just not been right. Now, with life aligning in a better way, it is definitely time to manifest that camper. 

You may enjoy the following camper posts.


Reading, Reading & More Reading

Reading is fundamental, but it’s also sexy. What do you think about that? 

All I know is that I have been able to read more of the books that have been on my reading list for years. Currently, I’m still reading the Motivation Manifesto. It’s a read that’s going to take me a few more weeks to complete because there is so much information to digest. 

What I will tell you is that in Chapter Two – On Fear, there was a statement that read “effort is what advances our lives” (summed up). That statement is what has been fueling my past three months of life. 

If it is my aim and promise to myself to change our lives for the highest good, I have to put the effort in to manifest our desires. 

This struck me so much so that I even used it in one of my interview presentations last week. And, after I finished explaining how it related, I heard a whisper from an older woman. She said, “She’s smart.” Hearing that made me feel so good. So, yes, reading is fundamental. 

Psst. It’s sexy, too!


Self Care with Acupressure

Lastly, I’ve been getting back in the routine of exercising and practicing more self care. One of the lastest acts of self care that I have enjoyed is acupressure. Read all about it in the following post, My Experience with the Dosha Acupressure Mat.

Soon, I’ll be trying out a Salt Lounge in Indianapolis. I’m so excited!

Final Thoughts

These past few weeks have all been about putting in the necessary effort to manifest our desires. Without effort, how does our lives advance?

What have you done this past week to help you get closer to your desired life?

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