100 Happy Days Challenge

Friday I spent some time catching up on some of my favorite blogs like Uncustomary and The Voyageer. As I read all about the 4th Annual Bubble Parade In Baltimore, I learned of the 100 Days of Happy Foundation. While doing a little research on the Foundation, I stumbled across the 100 Happy Days Challenge.

#100HappyDays Challenge

When I read it, I honestly had to ask myself, “Is this something I can do?” I mean, for the most part, I am incredibly optimistic and positive, however, I am also human and have my down moods and awful days –  just like anyone else.

As I thought about having so many happy days, I realized it would reduce my stress and help motivate me to be a much happier and pleasant during our upcoming football season.

The truth is, I could really benefit from this challenge because I am a total b*tch during football season. It is so demanding in time and extremely difficult to balance work, school, dinner, and daily tasks. But, I tough it out because it’s something that my boys have an interest in.

With all of that said, I have decided to dive right into the #100HappyDays Challenge.

But, here’s what you should know.

I have no plans on blowing up the blog with daily posts of “Happy Days”.

Ain’t nobody got time for that!” – Although, there IS one more post coming shortly. đŸ˜‰

[ctt template=”5″ link=”iTZOg” via=”yes” ]Happiness isn’t perfection. So, take a break from the pursuit of happiness and just be happy. [/ctt]

What I will do, however, is journal daily for 100 days and give you an update on the blog each week during the challenge.

During the next 90 or so days, my hope is that I can inspire you to try the challenge for yourself and/or give you a few happy things to do on a regular day.

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Happy Happenings

Speaking of which, over the weekend, I spent some time journaling on the patio. But, my journaling didn’t come easy at first because I haven’t been journaling lately, nor have I been writing in my Book of Positive Aspects.

However, this challenge will help put me back on the daily journaling path.

In addition to journaling, there were some other happy moments, as well. We enjoyed breakfast on the patio on Saturday morning, my son and I did a few Snapchat photos, I took him to the playground, and this morning, despite the rain, I was able to snap a few quick photos on my phone with the #100HappyDays sign.

Rain or shine, I’ll take all the happiness I can get. Yes, I will.

So, what are your thoughts?

Do you think that this challenge is something you could or can handle?

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