Disclaimer: This is my own personal career bucket list that I hope inspires you to create one that you love!
This past summer I attended a management leadership institute in Chicago, Illinois. In one of the sessions, we briefly discussed the idea of having a career bucket list. As often as I talk about travel and seasonal bucket lists, it never occurred to me to have a career bucket list.
What is even more interesting is that in all of my professional career development training, having a career bucket list has never been a topic. At this point, I was intrigued.
I immediately conducted a Google search and read several career bucket list articles and blog posts. Of all of that I read, this one resonated with me most, 56 Ideas to Add to Your Career Bucket List.
After reflecting on everything, I realized that each time I wrote out my three goals for the year, I was essentially creating my career bucket list.
As I pondered as many past professional goals as I could, I realized that my goals grew according to how much and how often I expanded my comfort zone.
To give you an idea of some of my past professional goals I have listed five below:
- Learning how to speak confidently with a microphone
- Presenting more (presentations and workshops)
- Attend various conferences
- Submit a proposal to present at a national conference
- Becoming a board member of an association
Keep reading! But, you may also enjoy reading my 100 Personal Life Goals!

With that in mind, I’ve decided to once again, expand my comfort zone. This time creating a career bucket list to pursue throughout my 40s.
- Present at a national conference, November 2024 completed.
- Apply and accept a leadership role in academia, Applied 2024
- Chair a committee, Begins January 2024
- Establish a new alumni chapter for my previous institution
- Volunteer in person at a national park
- Take a professional development course or attend a conference in Canada or France.
- Spend a day working in a co-working space
- Hire a virtual assistant for my blogs
- Create a course on LinkedIn Learning or Udemy
- Learn conversational French
- Create a professional blog (not lifestyle)
- Participate in a short-term mission trip for volunteering
- Participate in a short-term study abroad program
- Schedule a professional branded photoshoot, Completed November 2024
- Graduate with my doctorate degree
- Create and maintain a podcast for one year
Final Thoughts
In summary, creating a career bucket list has inspired me to push beyond my comfort zone and pursue new opportunities for growth. By reflecting on my past professional goals, I realized that I’ve already been on this journey without fully recognizing it. Now, with a clear list in place, I’m excited to embark on this next chapter of my career as I walk into 2025. It’s time to embrace these new challenges and continue growing both personally and professionally.
Leave a comment below!
What are some things that you would add to this bucket list?
Updated 11.27.24.