30 Facts About Me, Part 1

I’ve been scrolling Pinterest a lot more lately and have pretty much taken a leave from Instagram. I guess I’m pretty bored with it and don’t feel like taking and posting photos. So, there you go. Bye, bye, Instagram (for now anyway). In the meantime, I’ve been scrolling questions and journal prompts on Pinterest. So, I decided to take one of the journal prompts that I came across and use it for today’s blog post, 30 Facts About Me. 

Side note: I love when people post things about themselves and you get a deeper sense of who that person is and how they have come to be the person that they are today. 

With all that said, let’s jump into it…30 Facts About Me.

1 – Blogging

As of March 2022, it will be nine years of me blogging on justbrennonblog.com. That’s the longest time that I have held one position. How interesting is it, that it’s my own thing and not someone else’s? Just Brennon Blog started out as a hobby blog and has grown to so much more over the years. I’m so grateful to have a piece of the internet to share cool things with you.

30 Facts About Me

2 – Children

I have two boys and love them so much. I can’t believe how fast life goes on by. I was having lunch with one of my best friends from high school over the weekend and we couldn’t believe that next year, we will have 18-year-old, young men. What?! Where did the time go?

3 – Traveling

One of the biggest highlights of my life has been traveling with my boys. In 2017, we traveled to 17 states exploring and visiting some of the most unique places around the United States. My goal is to visit the remaining states with them by the time they graduate high school. Doing all those states in one year was a lot of fun, but also exhausting over time. 

4 – The Color Pink

I love the color pink and have for a long time, however, I’m finding that I’m starting to choose pink less nowadays. I don’t know what that is. 

5 – Bob Proctor and bell hooks (Dr. Gloria Jean Watkins)

This year, it hurt my heart when Bob Proctor passed away and in December when bell hooks passed away. I looked up to both of them in different ways and used their guidance as mentorship, so when they passed my heart was crushed. Just thinking about it makes me sad.

6 – NewsBreak

2021 was a big year for me with NewsBreak. I wrote so many local articles and learned so much more about our new community, but sadly my time has come to an end with NewsBreak. Occasionally, I may crank out an article or two, but it won’t be like it had been in 2021 with 12 articles per month. I’m so grateful for the additional stream of income, the friendships made, presentation opportunities, and gifts received. NewsBreak helped to make 2021 a great year and I’ll forever be grateful.

7 – CEMP Certification

From late November to the end of January, my additional free time was spent studying for the CEMP certification and spending major time in discussion with the founder of the program. After all of that time put in and completing the exam, I passed.

Whew! The content material could very well be considered a bit much if you haven’t spent much time in the personal development arena. Luckily for me, I’ve spent the past ten years studying personal growth and development which made the subject less difficult and more enjoyable and engaging.

8 – 30 Facts About Me

Trying to get to 30 might be difficult. But, I’ll keep going

9 – Cold Weather

I do not like the cold weather. Right now, my legs are freezing even though the little heater is on. It’s so annoying and upsetting. I’m trying to be patient and continue to wait on spring.

10 – Morning Motivational Videos

Every morning on my commute to work, I listen to a motivational video on YouTube. It really helps me to start my day off on a positive note and pushes me to be my best self. People I listen to include but are not limited to Bob Proctor, Earl Nightingale, Mel Robbins, Tony Robbins, Steve Harvey, Les Brown, Jordan Peterson, and Jim Rhon. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve listened to The Strangest Secret.

P.S. I think this is going to be a two-part series. I don’t think I can get to 30 in one sitting. 

11 – Places I Want to Take My Boys

By the time the summer comes, my goal is to take the boys to Universal Studios. My dad would always say, wait until they are older and can remember it and enjoy it. Now is the time. So, I am intentionally planning a three-day getaway to have a little much-needed fun! I can’t wait to see their faces and how they describe their experiences once it’s all over. 

12 – Making Memory Books

My youngest son has recently requested memory books for his travel adventures and infanthood. My oldest has requested photo prints of him and his girlfriend (eye roll). LOL. 

In addition, I have yet to print any photos from our 2021 adventures which included Las Vegas, Cincinnati, Chicago,  and some local fun. So, this week, my goal is to print photos while Walgreens has their 50% off print special going on. 

I also have tons of scrapbook supplies that I desperately need to get rid of, so spending time this week making memory books for everyone will allow me to get rid of all those supplies just sitting around tucked-in bins. It also gives me something fun and relaxing to do this week.

13 – Route 66 Road Trip

One road trip that I want to accomplish in the next three years is the Route 66 road trip. I want us to take a few weeks off and take a camper and enjoy the trip across the country and back. In the meantime, you can read all about my prior Route 66 road trip travels on the blog.

14 – Kentucky Bourbon Trail

Another road trip I would like to complete is the Kentucky Bourbon Trail. I have written about it multiple times on the blog, but have yet to get it started. Right when we were ready, ol’ COVID came along and put a pause on our plans. Now, we just have to sit and wait for everything to open back up again. 

15 – Yoga

I’ve really been intrigued with the idea of yoga lately. I’ve never really tried it and want to, soI recently purchased a DVD on Amazon to get me started. It’s gentle yoga for beginners, so I hope to get started with that soo, as well. Have you tried yoga? Do you like it?

Since this is already long, I’m going to pause here and in a few more days make a Part 2 to this series. In the meantime, feel free to drop some facts about yourself in the comments. 

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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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