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Dimes to Disney: February Update + Youtube Video

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Happy Wednesday!

I am so excited to bring you another update regarding our Dimes to Disney journey!

But, what is Dimes to Disney?

In a nutshell, our plan to afford Disney this September 2018 is to save (2) 2-liter bottles with dimes. According to the many pins on Pinterest, saving two of these is equivalent to approximately $1,400 ($700 per bottle).

Dimes to Disney: February Update

So, last month, I chatted about how hard it is to save a bunch of tiny, little dimes, but we are still doing it! As a family, we are committed to making this family vacation goal successful. So, much so, that I took a quick trip to Disney World last week to “have a look around” and make appropriate plans.

Based on some of what I gathered, I made three posts so far that you may want to read below:

Updated Strategy

In addition to the above posts, I came back with a new strategy for how we will master this vacation. Here are a few additions and changes…

  • We will have a meal plan and stay on site.
  • We will work with an authorized Disney travel agent.
  • We will get Magic Bands instead of lanyards and cards.
  • We will continue to save our dimes and purchase Disney gift cards.

Buying the Disney gift cards using a Target Debit REDcard offers an immediate 5% off when purchasing them. Signing up for a Target Debit REDcard is easy!

Dimes to Disney Collection Progression

We are at the end of our second month of dime collection and we are making progress, but very slowly. Nevertheless, we are doing it and plan to continue.

If you would like to have a peek into what my day was like at Walt Disney World, check out my Youtube video below!

What are your plans for Disney?

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