Get Fit and Stay Safe on Your Bicycle with these Simple Tips

Are you someone who’s decided to commit to a healthier lifestyle? For some, getting healthy means watching what they eat, cutting back on their indulgences, and hitting the gym four or five times a week. Sadly, this kind of lifestyle change isn’t sustainable for everyone – for many different reasons.

The simple truth is, if we totally commit to healthier food choices and moving our bodies a little more, we can get healthier and lose weight if we want to. One of the most popular ways of getting our bodies moving is cycling or bike riding. 

Cycling is an enjoyable and highly effective form of exercise, and when you’re trying to adopt a healthier lifestyle, it makes sense to find an exercise that you actually enjoy.

Sadly, riding a bicycle on public roads isn’t as safe as we’d like it to be. With thousands of road accidents involving bicycles and vehicles every year, getting fit and healthy could be more hazardous to your health than you think. 

Even with safer roads, some people are limited by health conditions that keep them from commuting by bike. The good news is that there are power-assisted electric bikes that make it easier for people with disabilities or health issues to cycle to places. Still, bike-friendly roads are much needed in many cities all over the world. In the meantime, road cyclists need to be extra vigilant and careful while out on the streets. 

Thankfully, there are ways you can stay safe on your bicycle and reduce the chances of getting caught up in a road accident by being mindful of these simple tips. But, first, it’s important to note that if you or someone that you know has  been involved in a road accident speak with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. 

Invest in Some Safety Gear

When you’re on your bike you don’t have the additional safety that car drivers benefit from. If you’re knocked off your bicycle, you’ll have little protection between you and the hard concrete beneath you. 

This is why wearing a helmet is absolutely essential. A high-quality cycling helmet could save your life, so it’s important to always ride with one. It’s also a smart choice to invest in elbow and knee pads to give yourself more protection.

Make Sure You’re Visible

Many road accidents involving cyclists occur because drivers don’t see them until it’s too late. To prevent this from happening wear brightly colored clothing when you ride. Consider fluorescent jackets, brightly colored leggings, and reflective items, especially in the early hours and at dusk.

Install a Camera

Cameras aren’t just for cars. Consider one for your bike, as well. In the event of an accident, or an altercation with another road user, having a camera fitted on your bicycle or your helmet can place you in a strong legal position. 

If anything does happen, you’ll be recording evidence in real-time. This kind of evidence is vital in any police investigation or proving fault in a personal injury case.

Opt for Cycle-Friendly Routes

If possible, consider cycle-friendly routes as part of your exercise routine. Search for routes with dedicated cycle lanes and consider quieter roads where possible. The less interaction you have with vehicles, the less likely you are to have an accident.  

Always Have an Emergency Kit

As a cyclist, it’s always a good idea to plan ahead. This means keeping your essentials in your backpack every time you leave the house. A simple patch repair kit, some spare cash in case you need to use public transport to get home, your ID, cell phone, and a first aid kit. 

Final Thoughts

Cycling is a fun and effective way to keep fit and get healthy, however it’s important to stay safe while doing so. So if you are considering cycling as your next activity,  remember these simple tips.

Read more about weight loss and getting healthy on the blog.

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