10 Simple Ideas To Supercharge Your Self Care

10 Simple Ideas To Supercharge Your Self Care

What is self care to you? In a discussion on self-care, author Susan Kennedy says, ‘Invent your world. Surround yourself with people, colors and sounds that nourish you.’ 

With that being said, self care is about creating a routine, and a life, which allows you to take the best care of your mind and body. And, although it sounds relatively easy, many of us have come to realize, it actually takes a lot of practice. 

So, to inspire you to establish a self-care routine, I’ve put together these 10 Simple Ideas To Supercharge Your Self Care.

1 . Learn New Recipes

I am not huge on new recipes with tons of ingredients, however, I do enjoy simple and delicious recipes. Eating healthy and delicious foods is one of the best forms of self-care and self-respect. Wouldn’t you agree?

From taking the time to do this, I have learned that taking the time to learn new recipes will help you to improve your nutrition and your mood. Considering searching for recipes on Pinterest or ordering a new  book such as ‘Food and Mood’ by Elizabeth Somer.

2. Home Spa Days

Home spa days are one of the simplest and most effective ways to feel relaxed. I love an at home spa day. To accomplish this you will need a few beauty products, candles, and some bubble bath hacks for complete relaxation

Spend the day trying out face masks, aromatherapy, or painting your nails, or anything that makes you feel pampered and chilled. Why not even try making your own at home DIY products? Think of making natural face masks using coconut oil, banana, and avocado or even  adding a little sea salt to your bath to soothe tired and achy muscles.

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10 Simple Ideas To Supercharge Your Self Care

3. Mindfulness

Mindfulness refers to achieving a full awareness of the present moment including our environment, sensations, thoughts and feelings. The idea is to view our experiences in a nurturing and gentle way. 

Practicing mindfulness can help people to appreciate the small things, adopt a more positive mindset, and eliminate negative thought patterns. Mindfulness is closely linked to meditation, and the easiest way to start is by using an app. ‘The Mindfulness App’ for example, offers a guided introduction to mindfulness. The application is available for free on the app store.

3 . Meditation

Meditation is about clearing the mind to take a break from the constant internal chatter. The idea is to focus on the present moment, engage in relaxing breathing exercises, and improve spiritual awareness. 

Meditation is about working towards a deeper connection with your mind and body. Guided meditations are available in the form of both online videos and apps. Studies in Jama Internal Medicine indicate that practicing meditation helps to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and depression. 

Feel free to check out my morning meditation routine

10 Simple Ideas To Supercharge Your Self Care

4. Creative Hobbies

Practicing creativity allows us to express our emotions, experience a sense of achievement, and to relax. Challenge yourself to spend time creating something. It could be painting, knitting a scarf, baking a cake or learning a musical instrument. 

Allowing yourself time to experiment with your creative side is the perfect act of self care. If you’re a little stuck for ideas, it’s a good idea to check out Udemy.

I love Udemy and recently enrolled in a career certification course. The website offers a range of affordably priced courses in a huge range of different subjects. Learning new things is a great way to improve your health and wellness.

5. Improve Your Sleep

Sleep directly affects both our mood and our physical health, when we sleep badly we are more likely to feel anxious. Many of us sleep poorly when we are stressed, and so the whole thing often becomes a vicious cycle. 

To improve your night’s sleep, plant based supplements like valerian root or passion flower are useful. Both of these supplements can encourage sleep and reduce anxiety. If you do experience anxiety, a weighted blanket can also be helpful to improve your sleep.

6. A New Exercise Regime

Most of us know that exercise supports both our physical and mental health. After a while the same old exercise regime can get a little dull. Believe me. 

So, this year why not shake things up a little, and try something new? Challenge yourself to join a sports team, whether basketball or tennis. For me, I’ve recently picked up virtual 5K marathons through Moon Joggers.

7. Beautify Your Home

Taking the time to beautify your home will help you to feel more relaxed and comfortable. You don’t have to pay over the odds to make your home look lovely. A lick of paint and a few new decor accessories is often all it takes. 

While you’re at it, it is important to take the time to declutter and get rid of all the things you don’t need. You’ll find that once your home is less cluttered, it’s far easier to feel peaceful and productive.

Don’t forget to browse the new Home & Garden category

10 Simple Ideas To Supercharge Your Self Care

9. Gratitude 

Gratitude is one of my most used hashtags on my Instagram account because I know just how important the practice of gratitude is. 

Expressing gratitude is just about one of the simplest ways that you can improve your mental health. According to a study in Harvard Health, expressing gratitude can actually make you happier. 

For self care, start writing down just a few things that you are thankful for everyday. Reflect on your writing every once in a while, especially during times of stress. If you enjoy this method it might be worth starting a journal. Journalling is another excellent self-care practice.

10 Simple Ideas To Supercharge Your Self Care

10. Self Care Tools

To inspire your self care regime it’s useful to arm yourself with plenty of self-care tools. Podcasts and books can help to keep you motivated and well informed, so let’s take a look at some of the options.

Podcasts for Self Care

Self Care Sunday: SC Sunday is a podcast which discusses the relationship between self care, mental health, social media and entrepreneurship. The podcast is hosted by Kayley Reed who shares her own self care insights and struggles. Every week she interviews artists, influencers, and female entrepreneurs. Self Care Sunday aims to shed light on what self care means ‘as a woman in the digital age.’

Self Care is Sexy: This podcast was created to discuss all things self care including ideas, tips and motivations. Recent episodes have discussed topics such as, the foundations of self care, major life transitions, breathing exercises, and toxic people. Self Care is Sexy is hosted by renowned blogger and author Kris Carr.

100% Guilt Free Self Care: I’m sure you will enjoy this self help podcast about living your best life! Tami is here to show you that there is nothing selfish about self care, so get ready to achieve the mindsets that will improve your life. For all the self-love advice you’ll never need, be sure to tune in!

Books for Self Care

You Are Awesome by Neil Paschria: In this powerful book about how to navigate change, wrestle with failure and live an intentional life, you’ll learn to cope with life’s stresses and be grateful for all that you have.

The More Or Less Definitive Guide To Self Care by Anna Borges: In this book you’ll find your very own A-Z guide to all things self care. Anna focuses on the mental health side, helping readers to address their issues and find solutions.

Final Thoughts

To wrap up this post, it’s so important to know that self care is not selfish. It is actually necessary. So, go ahead and arm yourself with a variety of self care tools that you need to get started – beginning with these 10 simple ideas to supercharge your self care.

This post first appeared 6.16.20.

10 Simple Ideas To Supercharge Your Self Care


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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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