Part 1 | Finding Inspiration When Moving

I love spring for so many reasons, but mostly because it is associated with new beginnings! And, one of the new beginnings that we have going on in our lives right now is moving.

We all know that moving can be exciting! But, it can also become a daunting task if you let it. Wouldn’t you agree?

For me, I have chosen to embrace this move by planning ahead of time, being positive and continuing to write in my Book of Positive Aspects, as well as focusing on finding inspiration wherever I can, even at cleaning service Brooklyn. Their website links to their social media pages and has so many great tips for cleaning and moving.

Moving Supplies

Speaking of cleaning and moving, I even made notes of miscellaneous cleaning and moving supplies to pick up from Dollar Tree while we were waiting for our dinner a few nights back just to make sure I stay on task.

Not only that, but for a limited time Dollar Tree is having a Bonus Buys Event where most of the supplies I listed and purchased come with extra amounts for free! I’ll take that any day!

Finding Inspiration

Aside from Dollar Tree, I started searching inspiration on Pinterest by creating an “Our New Home” board, so that I could stay inspired during the process of getting unpacked and decorating our new home.

We all want  fresh new vibes!

Tips and Trends Blog

As I searched the internet for further inspiration, I came across and their Tips & Trends Blog. Not only does the site create a one-stop-shopping experience for furniture, but the blog has an amazing variety of topics on how to stylishly accessorize your space.

I need this!

Right now, I am focusing on the boys’ bedroom first because although they will still be sharing a room, it will be twice as large as the room they are in now.

Room Styling

Both, Pinterest and the Tips and Trends Blog have great information and inspiration on how to style shared rooms for children and teens.

I’m excited about this and I know the boys are, too! They have already “notified” me 🙂 that they would like their beds on opposite sides of the room with a pool table in the middle.

I think I can handle that! What do you think?

Teen Lounge Vision

My vision is that their room will have more of a “teen lounge” type of vibe which will keep them active and engaged even while at home.

There’s actually a pin on Pinterest that coins these type of rooms as “Rooms to Stop the Young From Straying” and I love it!

Well, I’m off to do some more planning! Cheers!

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