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Over the past few weeks, I have been feeling a bit exhausted and in need of rest and I couldn’t figure out why. When I sat for a moment and reflected on this past year, I could see clearly that I was exhausted from living a very full and amazing year. I would call it an extraordinary life.
As I typed up a few bullet points from each month, I sat in gratitude reflecting on the amazing moments I have shared with others and the numerous ways I expanded my comfort zone and capacity to lead professionally.
But, every moment was not glorious, I did have my fair share of heartaches and heartbreaks, such as when our great aunt passed unexpectedly. That really hurt me to my core because I was looking forward to spending quality time with her and my daughter this past summer.
I also took a leap of faith and applied for an administrative leadership position at work, expecting to make it to the final round where I could present and use my power skills but I was cut at round two and never made it to the final round.
However, while weaving my way through the interview process, I was in the midst of preparing to present at an annual conference in the Washington, DC/Arlington, Virginia area AND preparing for a two-hour commission meeting that I was leading at another conference two weeks later. So, overall, I was proud of myself for navigating the entire month with grace and gratitude regardless of the outcome of the position that I applied for.
Furthermore, I learned a lot about myself and those around me. I also understand that what is for me – is for me – and God/Universe has not missed yet. Each position I have applied for with genuine intention has worked out for me. So, I know that the position that is meant for me will be unveiled in this next chapter of my life as we enter 2025.
Now, without further adieu, let’s scroll through some highlights and lived experiences of 2024.

Quarter 1
January 2024
- I spent my birthday at home with my family. I have a photo on my phone that I love dearly. We are all in one frame blowing dollar store birthday horns. Nothing fancy, but more than enough to make my heart beat in warmth and gratitude.
- My assistant at the time thoughtfully decorated my office for my birthday with pink streamers which was a lovely start to my day and birthday.
- A dear family friend sent me my annual birthday package which always includes a piece of strawberry cake.
- I wrote Creating My 2024 Professional Development Plan, followed what I wrote, and ended up presenting at an annual national conference.
- Partnerships that I can recall for the month included collaborating with Dear Lover on a Valentine’s haul.
- I also bought a national park pass and used it multiple times throughout the year.
February 2024
- The month of February held some very beautiful weather. I took advantage of it and took multiple day trips with my daughter to various children’s museums and libraries in the state.
- At work, I presented two conference-style sessions on Professional Development Day to faculty to staff.
- My youngest son ended middle school basketball and began playing for the park district
- Partnerships included a variety of Amazon Product Reviews, a Disney Princess Broadway Show, a Daily Prayer & Gratitude Journal by The Christian Journal Co., and a clothing partnership with Bambino Fashion.
March 2024
- Our main highlight from March was headed out on a four-day spring break vacation with two of my children and my mom. We drive through St. Louis, down to Memphis, and back. Later in the month, I headed to Indianapolis with my daughter for a Build-a-Bear date and mermaid photos at JCPenny.
- Professionally, I executed my third job fair and completed a Student Affairs assessment course.
Final Thoughts
Sometimes, I sit and reflect and can’t believe that I was able to accomplish so many things in such a short amount of time. With this in mind, I am really looking forward to having some downtime over the holiday break. I want to relax, read some interesting books, and continue tinkering with the cardboard doll house that I am working on for my daughter and I.