September is Self Improvement Month | Grow Yourself

September is Self Improvement Month

When is the last time you took a few moments to invest in personal development to grow yourself? If you can’t recall the last time, then perhaps, now is the time. September is National Self Improvement Month which is aimed at taking time to improve yourself to help you become a better you.

Take a minute (after reading this) and think about 1-3 things that you could do this month to become a better you. As you think about the various ways you could improve yourself this month, consider different areas of your life such as the ones listed below, as well as the books listed to help you on your journey.

All of the books listed in each category are books that I own and/or have read and swear by.

Also, note that this post contains affiliate links to the books listed – which means if you shop through these links, I will receive a small commission to keep this site running. It does not affect the price you pay, so feel free to shop away!

September is Self Improvement Month


A. Physical Self Improvement

Could health improvements be made with adjustments to your nutrition and exercise routine? For me, this is always on the top of the list. So, this month I plan to make fitness my priority,  revisit my fitness goals, and put more of my energy towards my appearance.

You may enjoy reading Body for Life:12 Weeks to Mental and Physical Strength.

B. Social Self Improvement

Have you been spending meaningful time with the people you enjoy, such as your friends and family? If not, perhaps it’s time to reconnect, share some laughter and spend some quality, positive time together. Avoid negativity and people who have a negative mindset; that is not what this month is about.

You may enjoy reading The Art of Being a Woman: A Simple Guide to Everyday Love and Laughter.

September is Self Improvement Month

C. Mental Self Improvement

What is the last book that you read to improve your life? Have you taken a webinar, gone to a seminar, listened to a positive audio book or podcast? In several of my posts on this blog, I have shared my favorite self improvement videos and books.

Although a big read, The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be by Jack Canfield is packed with activities to get your life on track and to set your life up for success. You even create your own life’s mission statement in the process. I try to re-read it every year.

I created my life’s mission statement back in 2009 as a part of one of the activities and for the most part everything still rings true today in 2018. However, since so much time has passed by, I would like to re-work it for 2019 as I move into a new chapter of my life.

You may also like the book that took the 90’s by storm, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Steven R. Covey. This was a book that helped me greatly as I completed my Master’s degree in Leadership eight years ago.

And, guess what? I’m back to reading it as a refresher today.

Why not check out 10 Books for Personal Development for your 20’s and 30’s?

September is Self Improvement Month

D. Spiritual Self Improvement

Have you prayed, journaled, been to church, meditated, or done anything to fulfill yourself spiritually? If not, this is definitely an area that needs some attention.

If you have been around the blog a while, you would know how much I am into the Law of Attraction and numerous books that discuss how to get from where you are to where you want to be by using the law of attraction.  

Some of my favorite books include The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and Money, and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness by Esther and Jerry Hicks

It is in this book that I learned about the power of creating your own Book of Positive Aspects. I have spent over a year working in and with my Book of Positive Aspects. And, in doing so, I have manifested some of the most amazing things, such as my travel to Disney in February, a madly romantic relationship (although it was short-term), and daily deposits into my accounts from various income streams – which brings me right into finances.

E. Financial Self Improvement

Are you satisfied with your current financial status? If not, consider ways to improve your financial status such as reading an empowering book about money management, revising your budget or creating a budget, creating a short-term and long-term financial goal, and/or meeting with a money mentor.

Yesterday, I read an amazing article, What the rich do differently: Habits that foster wealth and success. I enjoyed it so much that I printed it off and read it a few times again last night.

Towards the end of the article, a few books and lists are explained. Both books offer a lot of insight, but one in particular had me cringing in a way that I wanted to scream. Nevertheless, the information presented on habits that foster success was on point.

September is Self Improvement Month

The Millionaire Mindset

While I am not a millionaire, yet, I definitely can see it happening and plan on it happening. I need to be a millionaire. So, whether that is your goal or not, I am listing a few of my favorite books below that I have read numerous times and plan to re-read again.

Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill has some of the best information in it. Because it was written so long ago, comprehending some of the way it is written can sometimes be a challenge. If this is a challenge for you, I would recommend watching the series of YouTube videos that are available. I will warn you that the videos are OLD, so be patient and focus on the information given to you.

There is also a Think and Grow Rich:A Black Choice which puts a unique twists on things for African Americans. I started reading this book and somehow it came up missing. I do plan to repurchase it in the near future.

September is Self Improvement Month

Rich Dad, Poor Dad and Cash Flow

Another one of my favorite financial books is Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! If you ever get to read this book, it includes information about the game Cash Flow which is a board game that teaches your children about finances in a way that they will understand.

Final Thoughts

While my bookshelf is filled with books on self development and improvement, I am going to stop right here. I really didn’t intend for this post to be so long. But, hey, when the words get to flowing, they get to flowing.

If nothing else, remember that September is National Self Improvement Month; a great time to  improve yourself to help you become a better you.

September is Self Improvement Month


Welcome! I’m glad you’re here.

Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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