Simple Acts of Self Care You Can Do Every Single Day

Simple Acts of Self Care

It can be a hard pill to swallow when you have to admit to yourself that self care is often the first thing that goes out of the window for you. Contributing factors may consist of having a stressful job, a demanding home life, or you simply jam packed your planner with social events. 

Regardless of the reason, it’s important to understand that your self care is important and should be made a priority. I’m not talking about spending hundreds of dollars at a salon for a spa day; I’m simply talking simple acts of self care that you can do every single day.

So, begin with making your self care a priority by allowing yourself at least an hour a day. Just think of how much could be accomplished in an hour each day that’s devoted to solely your personal well-being. 

Sound pretty good, so far? I hope so. Keep reading for a few simple acts of self care that you can begin today.

Simple Acts of Self Care

Enjoy a Hot Bubble Bath

Someone telling you to take a bubble bath may sound so cliche’. I get it. But, really – enjoying a hot bubble bath can be so relaxing and ultimately raise your vibrations.

Personally, I prefer adding rose petals, essential oils, burning incense, and using a lot of candles.

Raising your vibrations is one of the secrets to making the Law of Attraction work. And, I am all about manifesting my desires. 

When you intentionally relax and set off to raise your vibrations, you shift to higher frequency allowing for new ideas and possibilities to be brought to you. Not to mention, it will allow you time away from your electronic devices, emails, and all the other demands of life. 

Watch Your Favorite Movie

Enjoying your favorite movie  may sound underrated as an act of self care. But, think of how much happiness watching your favorite movie or even a new movie that you have been wanting to see brings to you. 

You can have access to your top ten movies in an instant with several good torrent sites. You won’t even have to worry about the internet going down because you can download them straight to your device without any struggles. Having your favorite movies on hand at all times will give you that little bit of self care whenever you need it.

Simple Acts of Self Care

Journal and Raise Your Vibrations

Taking time out to write out your thoughts about the day or to write out your future is not only great for self care, but it’s also a great manifestation technique. By getting in the habit of journaling consistently, you are able to release any built up emotions – which in turn increases your vibrational frequency. 

Journaling is a very inexpensive act of self care than can take place anywhere. For example, consider journaling on your lunch break while at work, in the evening before bed, or use your journal to set your intentions for the day in the morning when you wake up.

Read more about my morning meditation routine.

Simple Acts of Self Care

Go for a Walk

Another act of self care and to also raise your vibrations is walking. Walking is great for both your physical and mental health, so try to get outside as often as you can. When you get out in nature, it enables you to be active, ground yourself, and really appreciate the beauty of nature around you. 

Simple Acts of Self Care

Final Thoughts

When you carry out one small act of self care every single day, you are raising your vibrations and ultimately creating a better lifestyle for yourself.  To some, this may seem a little bit dramatic, but it works absolute wonders. 

Even when you feel a bit pushed for time or mentally drained, know that this is exactly when you need your self care the most. And,these enjoyable and relaxing moments will give you exactly what you need. 

Just keep in mind that, the sooner you start taking better care of yourself, the sooner things in your life will begin to feel so much easier.

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