Suffering From Seasonal Depression? 7 Ways To Put It at Ease

With the onset of winter’s short days and long nights, many find themselves wrestling with seasonal depression. But when you recognize the signs of this psychological disorder, you can catch yourself before “moody” becomes “depressed.”

So how can you knock those seasonal depression symptoms out fast? Try these 7 approaches to ease the effects of this disorder and help lift your spirits to bring that sunshine and warmth back into your life.

1. Embrace Natural Light

When you’re dragging through those seasons that get you blah, getting sunlight is a surefire way to grab a quick energy and mood boost. If you can spend time outdoors, using light therapy lamps will get you a similar result. Both of these mood-enhancers provide Vitamin D, which helps regulate your ups and downs and supports mental health.

2. Stay Active

Combating those seasonal depression blues is easier when you have an active lifestyle. Exercise of any kind, including yoga, regular walks or jogs, and hitting the gym, releases endorphins, those “happy hormones” that serve as the body’s natural mood enhancers. The same chemicals that make you feel good when you eat a slice of cake or laugh with a friend are produced with activity, so find a way to get physical that you enjoy and add it to your schedule regularly.

3. Connect With Others

The dark is always less isolating when you’re with someone else. Your seasonal depression works the same way. Connect with others by meeting up with friends, joining a club, or logging in for some virtual gatherings. Keeping those social connections going strong is more important than ever when you’re fighting the seasonal blues.

4. Focus On Sleep

Ahhh, sleep, that tranquil time of rest and recovery. It’s not always easy to grab enough quality slumber, but it’s essential if you have seasonal depression. With a consistent sleep schedule and a calm bedtime environment, your brain can soothe the stresses of the day overnight. You’ll wake up refreshed and able to tackle your emotions better. As a plus, you’ll think more clearly, too!

5. Eat Healthy

Eating healthy is vital all year long, but if you neglect this step while you’re in the long, dark winter months, it can harm your mental state. Nutrient-rich foods contribute to mood stability. When you’re feeling down, think about what you’ve been eating recently. If your diet consists of little or no nutrients, you may be “feeding” your seasonal depression.

6. Include Mindfulness and Meditation

Use mindfulness and meditation techniques to relax your mind and feel better. It helps with stress and reduces the feeling of seasonal depression. The goal is to give yourself permission to do nothing, knowing that it will actually help you do everything with more focus.

7. Seek Professional Support

For persistent symptoms of seasonal depression, seeking professional support is crucial. A mental health professional can offer a personalized approach to manage and overcome the challenges you’re dealing with using strategies you might not have considered. One of the most effective types of support is cognitive-behavioral therapy, a technique used by therapists to change a person’s thinking patterns by providing them with a mental toolkit to use when they approach obstacles.

Take Control of Your Seasonal Well-Being Journey

Seasonal depression is a real issue. You’re not “moody;” you’re dealing with a psychological disorder that many others share during the long, winter months of limited sunshine. The good news is that you can take control of your well-being.

Start with one or two of these 7 approaches to mood-boosting relief, then add more as you go. With some at-home care and professional support, you can ease your seasonal depression and enjoy life all year long.

Photos courtesy of Pixabay.


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