Today is 11/11 | Here are 11 Things I’m 111% Grateful For

It feels so good to get back in the habit of blogging. I love writing about life! So, today, I decided to write a more personal post and list 11 things that I am grateful for in this moment, especially with today being 11/11. 

In fact, 11/11 is such a magical and powerful day. It’s a day in astrology and numerology that represents abundance and manifestation. A day for you to focus on things that you would like to manifest. But, before that, I think it’s utterly important to be grateful for what you have before trying to manifest more. In fact, this month is National Gratitude Month.

Read here about how I created my manifestation box – and manifested everything except for one thing that I have no doubt is on the way. 

The Power of Being 111% Grateful

One new manifestation technique that I learned during my maternity leave was to be 111% grateful. When you are 111% grateful, not only are you using powerful numerology, but you are showing the universe that you are more than just grateful; you are beyond grateful. 

So, you can use this manifestation technique when you are journaling or scripting to manifest things into your life, or you can simply say it verbally as you call in things to manifest. This would also work well to say as you are EFT tapping. Using this wording can be used in so many techniques. 

You may also want to read My Personal 100 Life Goals

With all of this in mind, here are 11 things that I am 111% grateful for in this moment.

1 – I am 111% grateful for our healthy, happy, and safe beautiful baby girl.

2 – I am 111% grateful that my boys are happy, healthy, and safe.

3 – I am 111% grateful for the support that I have had and continue to have during my pregnancy and postpartum journey. 

4 – I am 111% grateful for my position and my blog.

5 – I am 111% grateful for my friends and family.

6 – I am 111% grateful for the luxury partnerships that are attracted to me. 

7 – I am 111% grateful for our healthy, loving, and thriving relationship. 

8 – I am 111% grateful for the blessings that are on the way. 

9 – I am 111% grateful for our Enchanted Fairies session that is coming up. 

10 – I am 111% grateful for my winter capsule wardrobe that I have been curating over maternity leave

11 – I am 111% grateful for my skills, talents, and abilities. 

I know that I have reached 11, but the gratitude is flowing, so I am not going to limit myself to 11 at the moment. Instead, I’ll keep going as the gratitude flows. 

I am 111% grateful for being able to be a great mother to my children and to want to be their mother. 

I am 111% grateful for all of my blogging collaborations. 

I am 111% grateful for the new information that I am learning about being more elegant and graceful.

I am 111% grateful for my journaling and scripting habits. 

I am 111% grateful for the knowledge and information that I have access to.

I am 111% grateful for the gift card that I just received to purchase our daughter a very lovely book; The Adventures of Princess Amina.

I am 111% grateful for the gift card that I recently received to buy myself some new makeup from one of my favorite makeup stores. 

I am 111% grateful for the opportunity to have an assistant so that I can teach her what I know which in turn helps to create my career legacy

I am 111% grateful for my great aunt thinking about us lately. 

I am 111% grateful that I am healthy, happy, safe, cared for, loved, supported, and protected.

I am 111% grateful that I get to inspire whoever is reading this to take a stock of their lives and count their many blessings. 

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Final Thoughts

Well, it looks like I easily cranked out another 11 things to be grateful for. I could go on and on I’m sure. But, I’ll stop there. The goal was to not only share reasons that I have to be grateful but to also inspire whoever is reading this to take a stock of their lives and count their many blessings. 

With this month being National Gratitude Month, what are you grateful for?

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