What I Have Enjoyed Most About My Lifebook Journey and Designing My Ultimate Life

If you want to create the life you want, you need to know where you’re going and how to get there. That’s why it’s so important to make a detailed vision of your future lifestyle and outline all the steps you need to take along the way to get there. Lifebook helps you do that with the 12 categories of life.

With these steps, you can begin focusing on them one at a time, checking off each one as you go, until you’ve reached your ultimate goal of living the life of your dreams. 

With this in mind, here are some of the things I have loved most about my Lifebook journey and designing my ultimate life.

What have I learned through this process?

Through my Lifebook journey from 2019 to now, I have learned to give myself permission to live on my terms and not through the lens of others. I have been able to spend time visualizing the lifestyle I would like to live. And, I must say that this takes courage, especially if you have been operated in a mindset of lack and/or negativity.

In 2019 after I had my book printed, I began to live my life more intentionally and by the goals that I wrote in my Lifebook. I knew that by working diligently on those goals I would begin creating our ultimate life – and that’s exactly how life has been unraveling. 

Of course, there have been detours and unexpected life events, but I continue to remind myself that bad moments don’t go on forever and to remain positive and grateful. 

I’ve also learned that when life gets tough, to understand that it’s not the problem itself, it’s how I view it. Getting the facts by asking courageous questions and setting boundaries has been instrumental.

Through the process overall, I have learned that we can have the lifestyles we want if we believe that we can and work towards it by taking massive action.

Seven Magic Mountains

How am I achieving my goals and creating my ultimate lifestyle?

I won’t list all of my goals here, but know that they are listed in my Lifebook in order to help me get an idea of where I want to be and what type of lifestyle I want to live. 

To achieve my goals, I first determine what are the goals that I want to achieve by priority. And then I ask myself, “What do I have to do to get there?”. I then write down a list of steps it will take for me to reach that particular goal – and, then I go to work. 

Some goals are small, while others are large and take more resources. 

Example One – Relocation

For example, one of my recent goals has been to relocate. That’s a larger goal that takes more resources. I made a written plan of where I wanted to relocate to and all the necessary steps that needed to be taken. I then wrote out the steps in order of priority and got to work. 

The goal has been accomplished.

It was not an easy task, but with work, dedication, and support, it has been done. I take the same approach to everything that I want to accomplish. 

Glam Lab Makeup

Example Two – Personal Development and Appearance: Beauty Seminar

Another example of a goal that I have had in the past was to complete a one-day certification to become a Makeup Artist in Chicago, Illinois. I wrote down all the necessary steps that needed to be taken and worked through them step by step. 

Some steps included completing the registration, saving the money to take the course, planning the travel and lodging, and buying the clothes to wear. Slowly but surely, the plan manifested. 

You simply have to know where you want to go and write down the steps it takes to get there. And, then put the work in to get it done. 

Final Thoughts

What have you enjoyed most about your Lifebook journey? For me, it has been the excitement in creating my ultimate lifestyle. It’s an exciting time to look back at what you’ve accomplished, as well as look forward to how much more you can accomplish in your next stage of life. 

If you haven’t yet taken the free masterclass to create your own Lifebook, I encourage you to take it now.

Visit Mindvalley to take the free online Lifebook Masterclass.

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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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