Why You Should “Invest in Rest” at Soul Care Urban Retreat Center

After moving and settling into a new routine, it’s been extremely important for me to intentionally practice self-care. But what is self-care? We hear about it all the time, but what exactly is it? No one tells us what it is or how to do it.

To me, self-care is about creating a routine, and a life, which allows you to take the best care of your mind and body. And, although it sounds relatively easy, many of us have come to realize, it actually takes a lot of practice and intentionality.

Soul Care Urban Retreat Center, 507 S. Broadway, 2nd Floor, Urbana, IL 

With this in mind, I was scrolling through NewsBreak and came across a nicely written article on an experience at Soul Care Urban Retreat Center located at 507 S. Broadway (2nd Floor) in Urbana, IL. When I read it, I immediately said, “That is my place to be. That is where I will schedule time and intentionally practice self-care”. 

In a nutshell, the article summed up a young lady’s experience renting a quiet pod and enjoying tea, and a footbath. From her article, I immediately hit the link leading to Soul Care’s website to learn more. 

When I arrived at the website, there was so much more than just being able to rent a quiet pod and enjoy tea and a footbath. In fact, there was the opportunity to connect even deeper with a community of like-minded individuals within the Soul Care community. There were events, partners that connect you to spiritual services, rental space, and so much more. 

Soul Care is a modern urban retreat center, a co-working space for spirituality. We offer mindfully designed experiences to inspire meaningful connection with self, the divine, and others. – Soul Care

From there, I absolutely knew I wanted my own experience, and reading someone else’s just wouldn’t do. So, with a few clicks of the mouse, I had scheduled my own hour experience in a quiet pod. 

What to Expect Upon Arrival

From the description given in the article, I knew the location was in the PNC bank. The location is very easy to find using your GPS and I felt safe going alone.

Upon parking and entering the bank, I took the elevator up to the second floor and into Soul Care where I was welcomed and greeted. I don’t recall exactly what my expectations were, but I don’t know that I envisioned getting a warm greeting and having a few moments to sit and chat about what brought me to Soul Care.

Having those few moments to sit and chat with Kelly made me feel even more connected. This confirmed to me that this would be the place that I incorporated into my life for intentional spirituality and self-care practices. 

Five Quiet Pods to Choose From

From our conversation, I was able to learn more about the offerings of Soul Care and how to get the most out of my time in the quiet pod. After we talked for a bit, I was offered tea and taken to my quiet pod. 

There are five pods to choose from which are all unique and offer inspiration. Four have a couch and one has a recliner. I chose one with a couch and a Himalayan Salt Lamp. I love salt lamps and have one in our bedroom because not only are they soothing but they are believed to offer a variety of health benefits.

Being able to curl up on the couch with the glow of the salt lamp, made enjoying my tea and gratitude journaling feel so much more relaxing and rewarding. It felt like being in a home away from home, only with no distractions. 

During my hour, I relaxed, sipped my tea, and enjoyed my reading and journaling. 

People desire a deeper knowledge of themselves so that they can discover and honor their true nature, their most authentic self. – Soul Care

While I brought my own materials, you don’t have to. In fact, there are a variety of books, adult coloring books, markers, and various card decks for you to use if you would like to.

Prior to getting settled in my space, I took some time to look through the materials that were offered and I heavily appreciated seeing some books geared towards teens. Everyone is welcomed in Soul Care’s safe and inclusive community.

Invest in Rest

In addition, I noticed a recurring theme which was “Invest in Rest”. I really appreciated seeing the repetition because I took note of how important rest is. We live in a time where we are always on the go and don’t necessarily take time to rest. 

“Invest in Rest” is a great reminder of what we should be doing. In fact, it is one of Soul Care’s guiding principles.

Final Thoughts

Once my hour was up, I packed up my belongings, took a stroll through the entire space, and chatted a bit more before heading out. 

After leaving, I felt so grateful to have been introduced to Soul Care, even if it was through an article. Alignment matters.

If you are interested in learning more or becoming part of the community, visit Soul Care for more information.

This post is not sponsored by Soul Care, it is an account of my actual experience and may contain affiliate links to products I recommend.


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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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