Fall Camping, You Know You Want It!

If you have been following along on the blog, you would come to know that we absolutely love camping and cabin camping. So, with fall just getting started, the first thing we wanted to do was set the season off right with a family camping adventure. Well, a family tipi camping adventure, that is because we have already been Lake House Camping this year! 

Nevertheless, read all about What to Expect Tipi Camping here. But, in the meantime, I’m going to chat a little bit about how the experience was camping this time around.

For starters, this camping trip was a major emotional accomplishment for us. 

Camping used to be a bonding experience that we did with my dad. If you scroll through my camping posts, he is either in the photos or at least mentioned somewhere within the post. 

When he passed earlier this year from complications of yet, another stroke, we didn’t know if we would ever go tent camping again. It was a heartache just thinking about it. 

However, the universe moved us towards the experience and we loved it. We talked about my dad and cherished his memory while out there, but ultimately we had an amazing time. 

Typically, when we go camping, we stick to one particular campground. But, this time we ventured out and tried a new park, a whole lot further away from home that we typically do. Talk about expanding your comfort zone!

Not only did we, bring our tents for tent camping, but we also attempted tipi camping for the first time. And, let me tell you this. It’s a bit more primitive than I prefer. So, it’s definitely not something that I am looking forward to doing again. Ever again. 

The camping trip got started later than we expected, but we made it work. We checked in on Friday evening and received our floor covering (a tarp) and the tipi door (canvas), purchased some wood, and headed to our site to set up. 

The location of the site was absolutely perfect. It was close enough to the woods, but also out in the open and close enough to parking, the garage can, and the restrooms. I’ll definitely take that as a win. 

When it came time to pitch our tent, I couldn’t believe that I had left my tent poles. OMG. That meant my tent was not going up and we had to come up with another plan – because I had already decided that I was not sleeping in the tipi overnight. 

So, my brother offered to let my youngest son and I sleep in his personal tent, the one mentioned in this post; while he and my oldest son slept in the tipi. 

Later that night, after we all got settled, I heard a lot of rustling and swatting. Come to find out they were swatting at bugs and spiders who had already made their home in the tipi. The next thing I know is they are yelling, “Here we come!”. LOL. 

Can you imagine? The four of us lined up in that little old tent like a can of packed sardines? It probably smelled like that in there, too. Hahhaha. 

Somehow we manage to make it through the night sleeping in that tiny ass tent. Hahhaa. 

The next morning, after making breakfast on the grill and having our coffee and tea, I went back into town to grab the tent poles; this time forgetting the rainfly. But, there was no way I was turning back. 

Even forgetting a few things here and there, we still had such a great time together. Later in the week or so, I’ll be posting 5 Things to Take Camping from Dollar Tree. I picked up some great items that were perfect for camping. But, in the meantime, don’t forget to check out how I scored these camping flannels.

Anywho, aside from eating, my oldest son enjoyed relaxing around the campfire, while my youngest son enjoyed playing at the playground with some other kids who were at the campground. 

We journeyed up the observation tower, attempted some fishing, toasted marshmallows, and enjoyed some good books while lounging in our hammocks (before finding out that we weren’t supposed to be hanging anything from the trees). Ooops. 

I guess it’s a great thing to read the rules that they give upon checking in, huh?

My brother has since returned back to California to finish up his military training. When he returns again, it’ll be 2020. So, I am so grateful that we were able to spend that time together. 

Camping is not a “cute” experience. You work and you tend to be a bit dirty. But, even though camping comes with its fair set of chores and responsibilities, it’s definitely an experience that creates memorable moments. 

Read more about the Pros & Cons of Family Camping – I’ve also included a free checklist in the post.

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