Second Hand Wardrobe Day for Camping

August 25th is National Second Hand Wardrobe Day. What an obscure national day to celebrate? However, it fell right in time for our weekend camping trip. So, by the time this blog post goes live, I should be packing up our camp site and headed home.

What is National Second Hand Wardrobe Day? 

National Second Hand Wardrobe Day is said to encourage deals and savings each year across the United States. However, you don’t have to just shop second hand on this particular day. Instead, you can help others by donating your gently used clothing that you no longer wear to a local thrift store. 

Doing so allows you to free up space and declutter your home (and mind) and also helps someone else to find something that’s a great fit for them at a discounted price. 

You may enjoy reading Thrifting at Goodwill for National Bargain Week!

Take me, for example. 

Just this week, we decided that we would take a weekend camping trip to a new park to start off our camping season. Since, we planned it so suddenly, I didn’t have much time to prepare what I was going to wear. Neither did my brother. 

We immediately decided to go to Goodwill to make our vision of our camping wardrobes a reality at a fraction of the cost. 

Second Hand Cost Savings 

Instead of spending about $60 for a few over-sized and name brand men’s flannels, I scored them at Goodwill for about $7. What a savings! 

Regular priced men’s flannels were $3.99. However, if you shopped the color of the week, you received an additional 50% off! Boooo-yaaaaaa! The red one that I found was tagged green and I received 50%. Whoohoooo!

These flannels are definitely something to buy from the thrift store for camping.

So, not only did I save money by shopping second hand, but I saved an additional amount by taking advantage of their color of the week special. 

Often times thrift stores offer additional discounts like this one on top of the discount(s) offered for national days like this one; National Second Hand Wardrobe Day.

Final Thoughts on National Second Hand Wardrobe Day

While National Second Hand Wardrobe Day may be a little obscure, it definitely has its benefits. Benefits of shopping second hand include saving money, feeling good and looking good. Benefits of donating include decluttering your mind and space, and helping others find gently used clothing at affordable prices. 

My only reminder would be to ensure that you clean and wash any second hand clothing that you purchase prior to wearing. 


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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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