Friday Fail | The Indiana State Soldiers and Sailors Monument

After going through photos on my SD cards and flash drives, I came across so many failed travel adventures. LOL. So, I thought I would start sharing these with you on Fridays, as much as possible. Because, truth be told, we, as bloggers often only share the highlights and neglect to share those “not so great” moments.

I want to continue to share both.

So, today, we are starting out this Friday Fail with – not one, but two attempts at the Indiana State Soldiers and Sailors Monument downtown Indianapolis, Indiana.

The Indiana State Soldiers and Sailors Monument is the largest outdoor memorial and the largest of its kind in Indiana coming in at 284 feet and 6 inches. The monument is built in the center of downtown and intersects Meridian Street and Market Street, right across from Rocket Fizz Candy Shop.

In addition, the Col. Eli Lilly Civil War Museum is located on the lower level and the Observation Deck can be accessed by climbing up 330 steps or by taking the elevator to step 290 and walk the remaining 40 steps.

Attempt 1 | Sunday, July 2, 2017

So, on our first attempt last year, we simply observed the building and it’s beautiful scenery. We had already completed some of the Indianapolis Cultural Trail that day and visited Rocket Fizz, so attempting to climb any stairs that day was completely out of the question.

Attempt 2 | Sunday, March 11, 2018

However, we tried for a second time after we visited the NCAA Museum last month in March. This time, we decided to attempt to climb the 330 steps to get to the Observation Deck because I felt (at the time) 330 steps was not a lot of stairs. (Gasp) I also felt that we should not have to pay the $2 to ride the elevator. (Big Gasp)

Well, I was wrong about everything!

330 steps is a lot of damn steps. Plain and simple. And, if you attempt this and you are not in that great of shape, I feel sorry for you (and me). Seriously. Pay the $2 for the elevator ride and be on your way.

At any rate, we attempted climbing the stairs and quickly found it that it was a hot and long way up. My oldest son laid down (LOL) on the stairs and said, “Why are you so cheap? Why couldn’t you pay the $2 for the elevator?”

At first, I laughed but as I started getting even hotter and more winded, I began to get mad at myself. LOL. “Why did we even attempt this?”

We continued on until we made it to the 290th step and saw the elevator.

And, guess what we did? Hahahahahaha!

Yep, we got on and went DOWN with two other people that were also heading down. It was tight in there and we were all hot and sweaty. I imagine it also smelled awful in there, too. LOL.

So, to make a long story short. We threw in the towel.

It was too hot and tiny between those walls. I started to feel like the building was closing in on me and we just couldn’t hang. There was no way were climbing another 40 steps.

Forget it!

Maybe sometime in the future we will visit again, pay the $2 to support the monument, take the elevator up to the 290th floor, and walk the last 40 steps up.


What would you have done?


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