I’m In! 30 Day Blogging Challenge

Can you believe we are well into April and we are still getting served a huge dose of winter weather? Just a few days ago, I looked at the midwest forecast, and there it was again for Thursday, snow. Can we please move into some warmer weather? 

Anywho, I’ve been thinking a lot about this blog and blogging over the past week. After nine years of blogging, I’ve decided to treat my blog like it’s new again. I want to welcome some fresh new posts so you can get to know me a little bit better. 

Don’t forget to check out my 9th Year Blogiversary! 

I also want to learn more about those who follow this blog, as well as the new tribe that is forming. Additionally, I’d like to bring some new travel adventures to the blog with helpful travel guides instead of just travel diary-type posts like our summer trip to Las Vegas last year. 

I mean, of course, I’ll keep it fun and personable, but I also want to make sure that I beef up the details on what you can expect should you decide to visit yourselves.

I want to make sure that this space is fun, inspiring, and empowering. 

With all that being said, I’m kicking off a new start with a 30 Day Blogging Challenge where I will re-introduce myself and also begin some new ways of delivering interesting blog posts. I hope that you enjoy the content and engage in the comments.

If there’s anything you would like to see on the blog or would like to know more about, feel free to let me know via email (brennon at justbrennonblog dot com) or leave it in the comments below. 

Keep in mind that I am an Amazon affiliate and may use links and ads accordingly.

Cheers to something new!



30 Day Blogging Challenge
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