Self Care Tips for Valentine’s Day

With Valentine’s Day being right around the corner, I wanted to start my Valentine’s Day content off with Self Care Tips for Valentine’s Day. Typically, when we think of Valentine’s Day, we think of what we can do to show love to others. 

We immediately get to thinking about creating the perfect date night with our significant other or what we are going to put into the children’s love baskets. But, this time, I want us to focus on ourselves, first. Read on for a few helpful self care tips for Valentine’s Day.

Self Care Tips for Valentine’s Day

Caring for Yourself is Not Selfish, It’s Necessary

So often, especially as mothers we tend to put ourselves last. We put our partners, children, parents, friends, jobs, etc. above what it is that we need for ourselves. However, it’s important to know that we must care for ourselves and love ourselves first.

How can we continue to keep giving and giving of ourselves and not refilling our own wells? We can’t. It’s simply not sustainable. 

Believe That You Are Worthy

So, believe that you are worthy enough of being first in your life and pamper yourself with some self care. For example, this month as my birthday slowly creeps in, as well as Valentine’s Day, I have made a list of pampering acts to treat myself to. 

In my notebook, as well as in my Notes on my phone I have listed to schedule the following services for myself over the coming month or so:

  • Manicure
  • Pedicure
  • Back Treatment
  • Massage
  • Haircut and Color
  • Relaxing Bath with Rose Petals

Choose What Works for You

Yes, I know that with COVID, there are multiple restrictions in place. So, for those who are unable to go out for services or are not interested in scheduling professional services, know that you can do these things at home and very affordably. You don’t have to have them done professionally. Simply, set some time aside for you and choose what you will do. 

If you have children, you may want to wait until they are napping or asleep for night. If that’s not an option, have your partner keep them entertained while you spend an hour or two on you. 

In addition to this, spend a few minutes planning what you want to do. For example, plan out the facial mask or bath that you want to take. Gather ingredients or products that will make you feel your very best. As an added bonus, choose Valentine’s Day inspired extras such as a red rose petals for your bath or red nail polish for your manicure.

And, when you are done. Spend a few minutes in gratitude being thankful for the time that you have enjoyed alone to pamper yourself. You can meditate, journal or simply say a prayer. Just choose what works best for you. 

Final Thoughts

While these are only a few self care tips for Valentine’s Day to get you started, I am sure that you can come up with more that are personal to you. 

Read more of my self care tips on the blog here.

If you have ideas that I haven’t listed here, feel free to leave them below in the comment. 

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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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