What I’m Doing Now 1.11.21 – Decluttering

Happy January!

It’s been a little while since I’ve updated this blog with a What I’m Doing Now post. The last one was What I’m Doing Now 11.17.20. Since then, there have been a lot of changes our way. So, I’ll be sharing some of those changes in this post, along with the main thing – decluttering. 

But, before we tackle decluttering. Let’s jump into a few updates.

#1 Noom

Some months ago, I started on my Noom journey. As I started the journey, I promised that I would share updates along the way. Well, I am happy to say that I am sticking with Noom. 

I did fall off the wagon a little around the holidays, but I’m back on the horse and doing really well. I am logging my water and reaching my daily water goal. In addition to this, I have been back on the treadmill 3-4 times per week. I am so excited about this and very proud of myself. 

Instead of saying non-inspiring things to myself, I am speaking to myself, as I would a best friend. I am encouraging to myself and clapping for myself for all of the progress.

My goal this year is to focus on progress, not perfection. This is quite a big deal because I get caught up into perfection and comparison alot. I am here this year to show up and change that about myself. 

No longer will I focus on perfection or comparison. Instead, just showing up to be my authentic self. 

So, for my Noom updates, I don’t have any scale victories. I have no major weight loss to report, however, I have so many non-scale victories. As I said earlier, meeting my water intake, consistent walking, and also taking my multivitamin. 

So, for now, this is where I am and I’m happy with it. 

If you are interested in starting your own Noom journey, here is my Noom referral code

#2 New Babies!

Aside from Noom, we have new babies being born into our family this year. For example, I’m going to be an aunt, again! This is so exciting! So, I’m sure you will see some baby related posts coming throughout the year.

Create an Amazon Baby Registry here.

#3 News Break Writing Opportunity – Earn Cash!

Well, that was a short update. A little bit of a lengthy update would be sharing the News Break opportunity with you. As of January, I have officially completed my first full month with News Break and have been paid. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

While the program is new, it is legit. 

So, if you are interested in earning some extra cash for writing, I encourage you to apply now before they have met their quota for creators. 

Please use my News Break Creator referral link here.

And, if you want to see what I write, check out my profile and follow me there.

Valentine’s Kitchen Baskets

I’ve been doing a lot with kitchen occasion baskets over the past several months. I’m hopeful that I will get one done for Valentine’s Day this year. If nothing else, I will share last year’s Valentine’s Day tablescape. 

I had major plans on sharing it last year, only the days got away from me and I was blogging about other things like this Valentine’s Day Travel Gift Guide. So, I never really made it around to sharing it… and it is so beautiful. 


Lastly, I’m working on decluttering our home. It doesn’t look hoarder-style by any means, but I have so much “stuff”. For example, I love Dollar Tree and trinkets, so you can imagine the amount of “cute fun stuff” that I have sitting around. 

In addition to this, I have always loved entertaining and decorating, so I have tons of totes of seasonal stuff. And, with blogging, I do a lot of reviews which results in a lot more stuff.

I love so much of the stuff, so it’s very hard to declutter. But, I am making it my business to do something every day. 

I’ve been reading a lot of Pinterest pins on the KonMari method with hopes of using these tips to help me. If you are curious about, What Is the KonMari Method? Here’s How to Declutter the Marie Kondo Wayread this article here from Good Housekeeping.

According to the article, the “KonMari Method is pro organizer Marie Kondo’s minimalism-inspired approach to tackling your stuff category-by-category rather than room-by-room”.

It’s a pretty easy read and pretty informative. While I would really love to have the book, I have committed myself to not buying additional things during this time. 

I would really like to sell a lot of the things, but to be honest, I really don’t have the time, energy and patience that it takes to list and sell. So, I’ll make boxes of things that I can give to people who can actually use the stuff or would want the stuff. And then I’ll donate what’s left. If not, it’ll all be boxes going to the Goodwill. 

Final Thoughts

Well, I think this about sums it up. Noom is going well. I’m focusing on progress over perfection. If you are looking to make some extra cash, check out New Break.  We have new babies joining the family this year. And, lastly, I’ll be working on decluttering our home. 

What are you up to?

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