Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
Did you all know that Tesalate has recently released a new line of Tesalate workout towels? Yes, that’s right. Tesalate is the original Australian beach towel company who produces sand free beach towels.
From experience, I can tell you that I was and am very impressed with their beach towels, so I knew I would be impressed with their workout towels. Only this time, I must say that the workout towels exceeded my expectations.

Here’s why.
For starters, the workout towels are larger than many, if not all of the workout towels that I have seen on the market, and/or experienced personally. In addition to this, they fold up to a really compact size which makes it very easy to store away before and after use.
In terms of the design, I knew Tesalate would come through with a variety of colors and designs, just as with their line of beach towels. And, they did.
When I scrolled through their workout towel collection, I was impressed with the variety of available. The designs were suitable for many tastes.
For example, I had my brother scroll through the site because he is a fitness enthusiast. I sent a text and said, “Hey do you like these towels? Would you use them?” He responded back rather quickly and said, “Yes, I love the first one.”

In the Zone Anti-Bacterial Workout Towel
The very first towel design on the collections page is the In the Zone Anti-Bacterial Workout Towel. Not only are these towels antibacterial, but they are also odor-free, as well. This design comes in two colors which include the Navy/Gray and the Light Blue/Blue and is definitely his style.
Cassandra Anti-Bacterial Workout Towel
While the In the Zone design captured my brother’s attention, I fell in love with the Cassandra design. This design took me right back to my childhood when I was in love with all things Lisa Frank.
Who remembers Lisa Frank? If you are unfamiliar Lisa Frank’s brand was known for producing whimsical designed stationery and supplies that were primarily marketed to children.
Feel free to pop on over to a post where I share memories and photos of my childhood Lisa Frank sticker album.

Workout Towel Features
Anywho, enough walking down memory lane. Let’s chat about some additional features of this line of workout towels.
Aside from them being antibacterial and odor free, I love how compact they are. Even though they are larger than other workout towels that I have seen, they fold up rather compactly.
With them being able to fold up rather small, they won’t and don’t take up much space in your gym bag or gym locker.

Additional Features Include:
- Towel size is 39 x 18 inches
- Lightweight
- Ultra-absorbent
- Rapid-drying, half the time of a regular towel
- Handy hook, hang it anywhere
- Washes easily by hand or machine

Final Thoughts
I have greatly enjoyed having the opportunity to experience both the Tesalate Beach towels, as well as the Tesalate Workout Towels.
I’ve enjoyed them so much that I have listed them in my Holiday Gift Guide for the Fitness Enthusiast. If you haven’t checked it out, go ahead and pop on over to that post and check it out.
This post is in partnership with Tesalate.