3 Awesome Things That Made Me Happy in June 2019

Family Lifestyle Blog

When I first started this blog, I didn’t write for an audience because I didn’t have one. I wrote for myself and would send the link to my college roommate/best friend and my mom. That was it.

During that first year in 2014, I simply wrote to be writing. Over the next few years, as blogging continued to grow increasingly popular and materialistic, I have to admit that I got away from the main reason I started blogging in the first place – the simple joy of writing about life as we know it. 

So, as of lately, I’ve been returning to that happy place and writing about life – life as we know it. Speaking of which. Were you able to check out An Average Day in My Life? I hope so. Was it anything that you expected? 

Anywho, before I get carried away with other things, I want to share a list of things that made me happy this past June. 

Bachelorette Party Decorations

For starters, June was a really busy month in terms of family events. And, even though I was quite overwhelmed, I worked through each event with delight and grace and ended up have some of the happiest times in my life. 

Chicago Wedding Bells 

One of my best friends got married in June and also had her bridal shower/bachelorette party in Chicago. A few things that stood out about the event that made me happy was that she didn’t know that I was coming to the bachelorette party (due to distance and my boys soccer games) and was surprised when she walked in the door. 

Her being so happy that I made it, made me happy to the point it brought tears to my eyes. While there, I met her cousins that I had never met before and we all hit it off, so it was such a joyous occasion and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Bridal Shower Favor Bags

My First Time as a Bridesmaid 

Not only did one of my best friend’s get married, but so did my brother. That’s right. My brother’s wedding was the following weekend. I was a bridesmaid and had never been one before in my life. 

When my now, sister in law asked me after the bridal expo last year, I was shocked – because, let me tell you. I knew nothing of what to do. So, I graciously just did as asked whenever something was asked of me. 

On the day of the wedding, I was utterly nervous because I felt as if I had to be on display with my arms out showing all the weight gain from the past few months of silent depression from losing my dad in April. Whew! 

Wedding Party Rose Gold

But what I ended up stressing over was nothing in the grand scheme of things. Better yet, it wasn’t even my wedding, so people could care less about me and what I looked like. LOL. 

After getting passed all of that mental anguish, I was able to have an amazing time and I didn’t end up looking as terrible as I thought I would look. Chubby, yes. Terrible, no.

So, the overall wedding weekend brought me so much happiness, and not just for myself but for all involved. 

STEM College for Kids

School, Summer Camp and STEM

The boys ended their school year and by golly I was ready. My youngest finished third grade with a volcano project (yes, that’s a volcano 😉 made with old and new mulch and tacky glue ) complete with Coca Cola and Mentos. My now 8th grade son finished the school year off a week earlier and went straight into various summer camps including a week of afternoon golfing on the range. He loved that! 

Mentos Cola Volcano STEM

After that they both completed a week of College for Kids with three sessions. They both started with a Spanish class and ended with Martial Arts. But their middle sessions included STEM education for my oldest and Digging for Dinosaurs for my youngest. 

College for Kids

I chose something STEM related for my oldest because I knew my youngest son would be starting his STEM course on Bitwise Academy soon.  Doing this gave them both a summer opportunity to participate in STEM projects over the summer – which makes me happy.

If you are interested in extending your child’s learning beyond the classroom this summer? Join bitWise Academy and take self-paced online classes in STEM and computer science! 

Don’t forget to go here to get 50% off and enroll your kids in online STEM classes today when you use this coupon.

STEM Education

Final Thoughts

Lastly, being able to be a part of my some of the most important people in our lives and sharing their special life events brought so much happiness and joy to my life this past June. In addition to this, being able to offer my boys enriching opportunities instead of sitting around playing video games made me even more happy and grateful. 

I hope to be able to post a Part II and chat a bit about Father’s Day Brunch, Lunch Time Roses, Garden Fresh Red Leaf Lettuce, and Watching Godzilla with the Boys. 

What brought you happiness this past month?

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