6 Tips to Unwind and Relax

Improve Your Lifestyle

Chances are pretty good that you’ve been a bit stressed lately. Not only due to the events of the past year or so, but also thanks to the holidays being upon us once again. 

And of course, you’re not the only one that needs to unwind and relax a little. Virtually everyone could use a break now and then. So, don’t let life knock you down too far before you take a break. With that in mind, check out the tips below about how to unwind and relax.

1. The New Kid On the Block

There has been a lot of research lately indicating that CBD extracts may have multiple benefits. From reducing or even eliminating pain to lowering the frequency of epileptic seizures and a whole lot more. This includes lowering anxiety, helping with insomnia, and helping you unwind.

2. An Old Favorite

A piece of dark chocolate is lower in sugar than milk chocolate and will still calm that sweet tooth craving. It can also actually reduce stress and boost your brainpower. 

3. Chill On the Caffeine 

While you may love having a cold Dr. Pepper or a refreshing glass of iced tea with dinner, you should cut them out at least six hours before bed, especially if you’re having trouble falling or staying asleep.

As an alternative, relax with a nice glass of non caffeinated tea. If you add a little honey to it, it may help you fight off depression and anxiety.

4. Trick Your Brain

You don’t necessarily have to run off to a cabin in order to unwind and relax. In fact, you can actually relax your mind while sitting at home or the office. 

For one, focusing on your breathing while taking slow, full breaths can calm you in times of stress. 

Another great way to help you relax is to use progressive relaxation, which is simply taking five minutes to tense and relax your muscles, starting from your toes and working your way up your body part by part.

Lastly, saying the alphabet backwards, counting down from 100, or concentrating on the tick tick tick of an egg timer will temporarily shift your concentration from what you are anxious about and is a surprising way to relax your mind.

5. A Personal Massage

When it comes to personal development and calming your mind, another five-minute a day activity can work wonders. Instead of wringing your hands with anxiety, try massaging them with a nice soothing hand cream. Start with each joint of your fingers and the webbing between them and then clench and release your fists and then your wrists.

Stretch out this “me” time a little more and massage your head. While stress may make you want to pull out your hair at times, lightly tugging it is actually a therapy technique that can help induce relaxation. 

Simply grab a small handful of hair and pull it lightly down the way it naturally grows (going the other way will hurt no matter how light you pull) just until you feel your scalp lift slightly. Do this around each side and the top of your head, then finish off your massage session with a light scalp massage.

6. Get Some Balls

Rolling a tennis ball under your feet can relieve pain, sometimes in areas you didn’t even know were hurting, and reduce stress. Just roll the ball under your arches and whenever you find a tender spot, apply more pressure.

Additionally, a good old stress ball can help bring anger under control and alleviate tension.

Final Thoughts

Learning to unwind as often as possible can make all the difference in the world with your stress levels. Using the above techniques can help you relax no matter where you are or what is causing you anxiety.


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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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