Last September, I created my Lifebook based on the Mindvalley Masterclass, Designing Your Ultimate Life. The process took me at least a month to complete and drove me to really think about what I wanted my ultimate life to look like.
Lifebook is a transformational lifestyle design system that empowers you to ENVISION, PLAN, and ACHIEVE your very best life. On your own terms, and nobody else’s.
During that time, I focused on the 12 Lifebook categories, and even added a few of my own. From weeks worth of work, my personal Lifebook was created.
Over the past year, I have used this book as a roadmap and workbook to the life I wanted to be living and am creating.
With all of this in mind, in today’s post, I’m giving you updates on categories of my life that are included in my Lifebook.
So, if you are considering whether or not to take the Mindvalley course as you read this post, I would strongly recommend that you do.
Simply sign up using this free Mindvalley Masterclass link.
Now, let’s move on to the updates! You’ll want to relax and grab a coffee or tea for this post. It’s long.
Who am I?
To begin, I started my Lifebook off with information on Who Am I? It was in those first few pages that I wrote down in my own words who I am as a person. In these first few pages I was clear and honest. I included who my children are, my education up to that point, as well as a one-liner of what my ultimate vision is for my life.
Keep in mind that this is not the typical format of the original Lifebook. I created my own version based on the masterclass with edits to my liking based on my original personal mission statement that I created in 2009.
After those introductory pages, I went into my Character and wrote about my vision of my personal character. As I read various books over the past year, I wrote in quotes from those books that align with my vision of character that I currently possess and strive for ultimately.
Books that I have read over the past year that have assisted with my character development include The Motivation Manifesto: 9 Declarations to Claim Your Personal Power and The Alchemist: A Fable About Following Your Dream. These books are shown several times throughout the past year on my Instagram feed.

Emotional and Intellectual
From Character, I move on to my personal vision of Emotional and Intellectual Life. While these two categories are meant to be separate, I combined them in my book as I felt they were very closely related.
What I began with is not where I am now. In this area of my life, I have grown tremendously.
What I had to come to realize was that in my own personal development I had to learn that relationships are real life. They are imperfect and that’s okay. This goes for relationships across the board, both personal and professional. Shit happens. Life happens. And, we have to work with it and meet people where they are.
Now, whether you choose to keep them in your life or not is another topic.
In working through these realizations, I chose two phrases or quotes, again, from books that I had been reading.
I resonated with “freedom over fear” and the idea to rise and choose “ascension over aversion’”.
Personal Growth & Development
Next, I chose to add a page on Personal Growth & Development and list personal development opportunities that I wanted to experience in life. This section was not a part of the original 12 Lifebook categories. Instead, it’s an area of life that I am extremely passionate about and wanted to make sure that this was included.
“If you see it in your mind, you’re going to hold it in your hand.”
Without talking specifically about each experience listed, I will say that even with COVID, I have had the opportunity to participate in multiple classes, both in-person and online to begin fulfilling that list.
Feel free to read about the Tarot Reading Workshop, Money Mastery, and the Reiki Class that I have completed over the past year. In addition to these, I also took another Mindvalley Masterclass called Feng Shui with Marie Diamond. Ohhh, that was good!
In each course, I was fully present, learned a lot, and completed each course successfully.
Speaking of tarot readings, after the Money Mastery course was completed, I had the opportunity to have a 30 minute reading completed by Jason Livanis from Tarot Couture. If you want honest answers with no fairy dust, I would highly suggest connecting with him. Please, tell him that I sent you. 🙂
Lastly from this section, I want to include books that I have been reading or have read that fall within this category. Books include:
- Think and Grow Rich
- The Master Key System
- 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos
- The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
Spiritual Life
The next page after this in my Lifebook is Spiritual Life. Much of what I have done with Personal Growth and Development aligns with my spiritual life. So, there is not a lot to share here with the exception of letting you all know that I am still writing daily in my gratitude journal and Book of Positive Aspects.
In addition to this, below are a few books that I have been reading or have read over the past year that fall under my spiritual life. Books include the following:
- Quantum Success
- Waking Up in 5D: A Practical Guide to Multidimensional Transformation
- If You Could See What I See
Health, Fitness & Appearance
The next section is Health & Fitness from the Lifebook, but I also included Appearance because this is something that has been important to me over the years.
In this section of my Lifebook, I described my ideal life in terms of health, fitness and appearance. While I have not met my ideal goal in terms of pant size, I have been actively walking, going to the gym, and taking care of myself. I’m constantly focusing on self-care, hence the many self-care posts on the blog.
“Our bodies are the products of our thoughts.”
I’ve also spent a considerable amount of time building my wardrobe, but more specifically for my new position that I’ll talk about later in the career category.
I’m happy with my progress and know that I have to be intentional about all that I do.
Feel free to read about my virtual 5K walks during the pandemic.
The next few pages in my Lifebook are focused on how I am as a parent and how I expect my parenting journey to be. In the section, I have outlined what I will do as a mother and how I will communicate and support my children.
In addition to this, I included experiences that I want and wanted my boys to live. I’m happy to say that we have been able to cross two things. Not bad.
A twist on this category has been COVID.
Who would have ever thought we would have to make the decisions that we are making today – in terms of our children’s education and/or whether or not they can leave the house.
This was definitely not noted in the Lifebook.

With the given situation, e-learning through our school district was not a good fit for us, so we moved to a homeschool curriculum. Who would have ever thought that I would be homeschooling?
The only time that I have considered homeschool was in 2017. During that time, I wanted to travel and homeschool the boys. But, that was something that stayed in 2017 until we were faced with the pandemic that made me rethink the idea of homeschooling for the sake of the boys learning success.
While we are doing it now, this is not something that I want to continue into the future past the pandemic.
Check out the posts, if you are curious about our homeschooling journey.
Love & Marriage
The following section is Love Relationship, however, I have called this category Love & Marriage. This section can best be explained from reading the above section under Emotional and Intellectual. That category speaks directly to this section, so I’ll move on to Social Life
Social Life
I have been amazed by this section in my life over the past year. While I do not go out much and have not mingled physically with people due to COVID, I can tell you that I have been supported beyond measure by people who are close to me such as my family and friends, as well as my new group of colleagues, and new blogger friends and partnerships.
This category has no list of things to do. I simply want to treat others how I want to be treated and share with you the following quote.
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

My Home & Quality of Life
Quality of life is the next category covered. However, I changed my category to My Home & Quality of Life. In these two pages in my Lifebook, I have been very specific in terms of how I want my home to be, as well as our quality of life.
This section in my Lifebook has the most handwritten notes on it. I have made notes of all achievements in this section no matter how small.
A few things I have been able to cross off or note include a few trips such as to New York for Christmas last year and visiting the Pink Elephant on Route 66. In addition to this, I was able to pick out our ideal camper at the Indianapolis Boat, Sports & Motor Show prior to COVID.
Hang in there. There are three more categories to cover.
Financial Life
Another category in my Lifebook that has a lot of written notes is my Financial Life. Each month, I get even more clear on why I want financial abundance. This has not been easy and has taken a lot of work in terms of getting clear on goals, releasing limited beliefs, and knowing why I want what I want.
To help me in this area, I recently took a class called Money Mastery which I briefly mentioned earlier. But, just so that you know, Money Mastery is a 9-week program that helps you reach your financial goals and more. It boosts your financial literacy, shifting your mindset and increasing your confidence about money and success.
With all of this in mind, I have been attracting more money into our experience and I am beyond grateful.
Books that I have read and/or are reading include the following:
Everyday Millionaires: How Ordinary People Built Extraordinary Wealth?and How You Can Too
Career & Offices
Career directly ties into my financial life.
Last year, I made the decision to leave my full-time position and pursue something new that paid more. While the leap was terrifying, I did it and am now in a new position that fits exactly what I was looking for in terms of the kind of supervisor that I wanted, pay grade, creativity, etc. It’s a great fit and I love it.
I knew my why and pursued it.
It is also in this section that I added “offices”. This was important for me to add because I want to work in a nice office space for whatever I do. I have affirmed that I want my offices to be clean, organized and adorned with symbols of inspiration and motivation.
And, I am happy to say that my home office is like this, as well as my work office.

Growing Old & End of Life
In the last category of the 12 is your Life Vision. I skipped that category and created a new category called Growing Old & End of Life. On this final page of my Lifebook, I have clearly written out how I want to grow old, information on wills and my obituary, etc. I feel this is a really important category that we should not ignore, no matter how scary it is to face it.
Final Thoughts
Taking the time to create my Lifebook was one of the best decisions that I have ever made. It allowed me to really dig deep inside myself to find out what was important to me, so that I can create my ideal life.
I don’t think this is something that will ever be done. It’s a work in progress, especially as I am evolving as a person daily.
Well, there you have it; a brief update on my Lifebook: One Year Later.
Sign up for the free Lifebook Masterclass today or take charge of your life by taking the full Lifebook course online over the course of six weeks.
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