Our Hobbies During The Pandemic

Life is definitely different and I am sure we can all feel it, sense it, and see it. One of the main things that we did prior to the pandemic was travel.  But, once “Stay Home” issues were ordered, we were forced to stay home and find other hobbies to enjoy. 

Northern Mat published a post entitled, Top 10 Hobbies You Can Acquire During Lockdown. In that post, 10 hobbies are explained. Of those 10 mentioned, I have spent more time exercising such as walking the 5k virtual races and more recently getting involved in Paint By Number crafts.

Learning a New Language

In addition to this, I am thinking about testing the waters with learning a new language, Spanish. In high school, I took several semesters of French with the goal of spending time in Paris one day. I loved my Parisian name, Caroline and did rather well with the language.

However, later when I got to community college, French was no longer an option, so I began taking Spanish and failed miserably. But now that I’m older, I think I can handle it. I even found a set of Spanish DVDs that belonged to my dad that I can begin with.

Kid-Friendly Hobbies

Aside from the three hobbies that I have been involved with, my son has taken up a few of his own including more science experiments and cooking. He has been making volcanoes, rockets, and recently experimented with an Air Pressured Air Blaster that I picked up from Michaels. 

In addition to this, the boys have been putting together small model cars and airplanes. If you’re interested, eModels offer a variety of products.

As for his cooking, he’s been primarily making a variety of turkey burgers with cheese. He’s experimented with adding fresh lemon, as well as fresh mangos. Although I was a bit skeptical at first, I must say that he’s been doing an awesome job.

Feel free to read more about his 5th grade science experiments or check out private cooking classes for adults at Food Fire + Knives.

Young Adult Hobbies

My son and I are not the only ones in our family who have been experimenting with new hobbies. My youngest brother is a marine and enjoys outdoor activities. He recently got rid of his two person dome tent and opted for a one person sleeping tent for camping. I’m not sure who loves it more; him or my son?

In addition to this, he purchased a bow and arrow with individual bows and is actually considering a light crossbow. What I love about his hobbies is that he is always willing to show my sons, which exposes them to new hobbies to try as well.

Final Thoughts

Having a few hobbies has always been important to me and our family. Hobbies allow us to be more productive with our time all while learning something new. While I’ve only shared a few of our recent hobbies, my hope is to share more soon.

What hobbies have you taken up during the pandemic?


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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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